




















采访编辑/易如 后制/钟元

Chinese-Russian Anti-UN Development Goals
Follow Row over Human Rights Laws

The United Nations’ high-level meeting on human rights and the
rule of law was held in New York.
There was a debate on whether to put human rights and the
rule of law as the core issue of post-2015 UN Development
Goals and other questions.

The EU and other Western countries believe that human rights
and the rule of law are a necessary foundation
and guarantee for development.

Experts said the foundation of China and Russian political
domination and existence value anti-human rights, anti-free,
anti-democracy and anti- rule of law.

On Monday June 10 during the United Nations General Assembly,
delegates from all countries debated on
the UN development goals after 2015.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said in his opening statement:
Our organisation is built on fundamental principles.
We hold that all people are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
We agree that everyone has the right to life, liberty and security.
Poverty, inequality and injustice are an affront to these principles.

In 2000 the United Nations had issued a Millennium Declaration
including a series development target on eliminating half of
global poverty which will expire in 2015.

Ban Ki-moon believes it is important for the human rights and
the rule of law in reducing the vulnerability of the poor and
building the future we want.

Human rights and the rule of law will be central to these efforts
both as a means and an end.

However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Permanent
Counselor Yao Shaojun not only objected to the inclusion of
human rights into the United Nations development agenda,
but opposed to make any quantitative index on the rule of law.
He said in his speech: there are no universal roads and modes
for the rule of law because it is an internal affair.

Russian representatives subsequently said: “There is no
way to measure the rule of law.
He stressed it is not good to discuss human rights and the
rule of law in the United Nations Development Forum."

Chinese constitutional scholar Wang Tiancheng, the former
Peking University law lecturer who is currently residing in
the United States, believes that basic human rights and the
rule of law is the universal standard beyond internal affairs
although each country’s specific system is different.

Former Peking University law lecturer Wang Tiancheng: The
purpose of China and Russia jointly opposing to list the human
rights and the rule of law as development goals is because
they want to maintain one-party dictatorship without the
restriction of universal human rights standards.

China and Russia formed an alliance to block the universal
values and the democracy development in other countries.

Former Peking University law professor Yuan Hongbing said
there won’t be the rule of law without democracy and freedom.

Former Peking University law professor Yuan Hongbing: The
purpose of going against it is to stick centralization.
Because their entire reign, the entire value foundation, the
political base are based on the rule of law against
human rights, the destruction of human rights and
against liberal democracy.

The 4th June, 2014 is the 25th Anniversary
of Polish Freedom Day.
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs said at the UN meeting,
there will be no real democracy and social and economic
development without respecting human rights.

She used the example of the 25th anniversary of democratic
transition celebration in Poland.

She said that, according to World Bank data, the per capita
income in 1990 was $ 5,967 in Poland and it is
now $ 22,162 after 20 years.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: the motivation for the
achievement, is the enthusiasm, creativity and potential
based on the confidence of the new system, which is built on
the principles of democracy and rule of law.

In addition, the European Union representative Mr. Thomas
Mayr Harting: “it is necessary to make sure the UN development
goal and index agree with the current human right standard,
principle and the rule of law when to figure out the future
development goals."

He said: “The rule of law is closely linked and complementary
to the development.
The stable and transparent environment provided by the rule
of law is very important for the economic development and
investment to fight against the corruption and discrimination."

And Wang Tiancheng believes that the rule of law means human
rights, freedom and justice which are a very important
protection for the moral goal in society.

Wang Tiancheng: The rule of law has a positive effect on
economic development and investment.

It will undermine investor’s confidence and make corruption
more rampant without the rule of law.

China is now an example with rampant corruption and
corrupted morals mixed together, which makes
the situation unprecedented in corruption.

However, Yuan Hongbing said that freedom, democracy, the
rule of law are the basic human right and have nothing to do
with economy development.

Yuan Hongbing: “CCP tyranny is to make all people as political
slaves and get high-speed economic development by
destructive development and utilization of
natural resources and environment."

Yuan Hongbing said that the CCP is a totalitarian tyranny; it’s
equal to asking a tiger for its skin to talk about
the rule of law and human rights with the CCP.

Edit/YiRu Post-Production/ZhongYuan
