



















采访编辑/李韵 后制/郭敬

The Chinese Communist Party Keep Arresting During
June 4th Commemorations

The Chinese commemorated the approaching 25th anniversary
of the Tiananmen Massacre along with the rest of the world.

Hong Kong people marched on the streets in spite of the heat;

Former student leader Wuerkaixi attended a commemoration
ceremony in Japan;

Chinese gathered in Human Rights square to hold the
commemoration in France;

The exiled Tiananmen student movement leaders gathered at
US Capitol Hill and announced The World Siege campaign
official launch.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) not only keept silent,
but violently suppressed and arrested people connected to the
June 4th commemoration activities.

In the US on June 2, the June 4th student leaders around the
world gathered on Capitol Hill to commemorate the people
and students killed by CCP in 1989 June 4th Massacre who
surrendered their lives for human rights, democracy, freedom.

The world Siege campaign was announced to start at the
morning news conference.

The conference was chaired by former
student leader Wang Dan.

Dr. Wang Juntao, the co-chair of China Democratic Party read
out the declaration.

In August 2013 Wang Dan and other 89 pro-democracy
participants issued an overseas campaign recommendation
for The World Siege.

This is to call on all people who can be mobilized to
commemorate the 25th anniversary of June 4th.

Wang Dan said they will strengthen the connection with
China democracy activists in the future.

Wang Juntao called everyone to commemorate the 25th event
using The World Siege and build a new constitutional
democracy in China.

US Chinese Democratic Party Chairman Wang Juntao:
“The tyranny will become its own gravedigger.

If students used a hunger strike to impress Beijing people
25 years ago; today… there is now only land requisition,
forced house demolition, seizing life, investment swallowing
and arresting your sons and daughters”

A list of detained conscience prisoners who participated in
human rights activities and June 4th commemorations was read
at the press conference.

These included Beijing senior media person Gao Yu, Uyghur
professor Ilham, human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang, Guangzhou
civil disobedience campaign promoter lawyer Tang Jingling;
a total of 300 people.

A candlelight vigil to commemorate the 25th anniversary
was held in Washington and 168 known victims from 1989
was remembered.

Wang Dan’s speech said that in 1989 thousands of students
gathered in Tiananmen Square wishing to eliminate corruption
and achieve democracy, but were tragically suppressed.

1989 China democracy movement student leader Wang Dan:
“We can tell in today’s China, although the economy has
increased, there is more serious corruption being revealed.

The CCP wants to consume our will by long-term repression.

I want to tell the Chinese government: we will never give up
if it takes another 25 years or even 50 years."

On June 1st, Hong Kong people participated in the march for
the 25th anniversary held by The Hong Kong Alliance in
Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China.

Calling for redress for June 4th and “fight to the end”, about
3000 people shouted slogans: “End one-party to realize

French Chinese Human Rights organizations and others also
gathered to commemorate June 4th at Paris Human Rights
Plaza in the June 1st afternoon.

Democracy activist in Paris, Zhang Jian: “There are many local
Chinese, students and scholars participating in this activity, as
well as the Paris Conservatory students.

They sang songs in memory of June 4th..”

Zhang Jian said they will present flowers at the Paris June 4th
Monument during the day.

There will be poetry reading in the evening.

The CCP paid 950 thousand Beijing people to take to the
streets to maintain stability for anti-terrorisim recently.

They arrested many people involved in the June 4th activity
including Beijing scholar Xu Youyu and human rights lawyer
Pu Zhiqiang.

Former CCP General Secretary Zhao Ziyang’s secretary
Bao Tong was arrested at the start of the crack down..

People and lawyers who commemorated Zhao Ziyang in
February were taken away by the public for the same reason.

The CCP Ministry of Education has also sent funds to make
US universities who always advocate freedom to keep silent.

Chinese Internet filters and sensitive words blocks also were
applied intensely by filtering words related to June 4th.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/GuoJing
