【禁闻】在争议海域钻井 中共意欲为何?














美国华盛顿战略与国际研究中心专家博斯科(Joseph Bosco),最近在研讨会上指出,东南亚国家形容中共在海洋领土争议的表现,带有侵略性。


采访/陈汉 编辑/陈洁 后制/陈建铭

Is the CCP Regime Throwing Down the Gauntlet
to the U.S. in the South China Sea?

Recently, China and Vietnam to dispute over oil exploration
drilling platforms.
The Vietnamese Government demanded that the CCP
immediately stop its operations in a disputed patch of the South
China Sea,

saying on Monday that Beijing’s decision to deploy a
deep sea rig over the weekend was illegal.
It is analyzed that the CCP is warning U.S. President Barack
Obama who recently visited Asian not to interfere in the
South China Sea territorial dispute.

On May 3, the Maritime Safety Administration of China (MSAC)
released a maritime warning on its website,
saying that China’s drilling rig HD 981 began operating in a location
of 15°29’58″ North latitude and 111°12’06″ East longitude in the
East Sea on May 2 and will continue to operate until August 15.

May 4, Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Hai Binh
Said:"the coordinates of the oil rig HD 981 is in Vietnam’s
exclusive economic zone.
All activities of foreign countries in Vietnam’s waters without
Vietnam’s permission are illegal and worthless."

May 5, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying
said at a regular press conference that the rig was operating
“completely within the waters of China’s Paracel Islands".

MSAC on Monday expanded the prohibited area around
the rig to a three-mile (4.8 km) radius.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Tuesday
the move to relocate the rig is “provocative" and will further
raise regional tensions.

U.S. China Issue independent commentator Li Shanjian believes
that the CCP is sending notice to the U.S. President Obama after
his Asia trip.

U.S. China Issue independent commentator Li Shanjian: “This
operation is mainly aimed at Obama’s recent four Asian countries’
trip that did not include China.
His trip obviously strengthened the bonds with the four Southeast
Asian countries.
His purpose is to contain China’s influence in Asia because he
believes China is an unstable factor in Southeast Asia.
The CCP did not want to see it and want to teach him a lesson
with some trouble."

Yan Zhensheng, Taiwan National Chengchi University Institute
of International Relations director:
“I don’t think they are trying to distract attention from the recent
terrorist attack from Xinjiang separatists.
They just don’t want the US to intervene in the South China Sea
Since American’s Monroe Doctrine has a sphere of influence, I
can lead the issue development in my area.
Even Vietnam is unsatisfied on this issue, they should
negotiate with China directly."

According to the AFP, Obama’s Asia trip is to appease those
Asia allies facing the CCP’s territorial ambitions and reiterate
that the U.S. commitment to these countries is unchanged.

It is said that the CCP has fierce sovereignty disputes with its
neighbors including the Diaoyu Islands with Japan, which is
called Senkaku sovereignty in Japan.

The CCP also claimed that almost all of the South China Sea
is its territory.
However, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei and
Vietnam also claim sovereignty over parts of the ocean.
Last January, Manila appealed to the UN for international arbitration
on the yellow rocks sovereignty, which is 220 kilometers from
the Philippines coast.

However, Li Shanjian noted that the CCP has sold millions of
square kilometers since 1949 since it seized power.

Li Shanjian: “when it needs to mobilize the national sentiment
or distract attention, it will adopt an inflexible radical position;
When they seek international cooperation, especially to ignore its
human rights conditions, they will to make concessions on territory.
The CCP never truly care about its territory, no matter how hard
or soft, they are just trying to maintain their own rule."

Joseph Bosco, United States Strategic and International Studies
in Washington, recently pointed out at a seminar
that the Southeast Asian countries demonstrate that the CCP’s
performance in the marine territorial disputes is aggressive.

It is said that the CCP is currently doing massive reclamation
around Spratly Islands Red Reef.
Macau military expert Huang Dongdui said to Hong Kong Apple
Daily that the CCP’s intention is mainly aimed at Vietnam
who occupied most of the Spratly Islands and prepared for
the future military operation base in order to increase control of
the South China Sea.

Interview/Chen Han Edit/Chen Jie Post-Production/Chen Jianming
