【禁闻】妻侄女遭实名举报 曾庆红被敲打

















采访编辑/李韵 后制/陈建铭

Zeng Qinghong’s Relative Reported for Involvement in Corruption

Dai Yuqing, former President of the Guangzhou
Daily is facing trial on charges of bribery.
While in court, Dai Yuqing stated that Guangzhou Discipline
Commission Secretary Wang Xiaoling retaliated against him.
Dai Yuqing’s wife Yang Lanling also
alleged Wang Xiaoling’s insider trading
and illegal profits of 70 million yuan.

Wang Xiaoling is the niece of former
Vice President Zeng Qinghong’s wife.
Analysts believe that Zeng Qinghong is the
next target of the central party leadership.

On April 22, Caixin reported that Wang Xiaoling
is currently facing allegations of corruption.
This includes corruption in construction,
management of projects, insider trading of
listing companies, and Guangdong Media.
This was exposed by Yang Lanling, the wife of
former Guangzhou Daily President Dai Yuqing.

In November 2007, Guangzhou Daily took the form of
backdoor listings on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
It was renamed as Guangzhou Daily Media
Corporation, known as Guangdong Media.
In 2010, through acquisition of other assets
of Guangzhou Daily, Guangdong Media
became the entity of a listing media.

It was said that prior to the acquisition, the
Securities Regulatory Commission found
odd movements of the stock holders.
Meanwhile, Dai Yuqing was notified that Xu Peng
opened a position, acquiring 14 million shares
with 120 million RMB in the first half of 2010.
Xu Peng is a relative of Wang Xiaoling.

Xu Peng’s wife Qian Jue also acquired
2.7 million shares with 240 million RMB.
Shortly after, Guangdong Media
experienced a 10-day limit up.
Xu and Qian sold their entire stocks and
profited by more than 70 million yuan.

Caixin reported that the central inspection
team is investigating these allegations.
On April 21, Guangzhou spokesman Mei Heqing said,
“the judiciary will make a ruling according to the law."

Prior to this report, Dai Yuqing’s bribery case went on trial
on March 28 in Dongguan City Intermediate People’s Court.
Dai Yuqing was under allegations of taking bribes
worth 2.51 million yuan, by using his position.
Dai Yuqing retracted in court and claimed
that Wang Xiaoling had retaliated against him.

Dai Yuqing explained that Wang Xiaoling was offended
for not being able to intervene in the newspaper business.
Her brother Wang Xiaodong had wanted to get
involved in the construction of the Media Building.
Dai Yuqing commissioned the project to
Guangzhou key project management office.
This was outside of the jurisdiction
of the Propaganda Department.

Wang Xiaoling was born in July 1955.
She became a nurse at the age of 15.
In 2007, she became the Director of the
Guangzhou Municipal Propaganda Department.
In December 2011, she became
Guangzhou Discipline Commission Secretary.
As the Director of Guangzhou Propaganda
Department, she was a superior of Dai Yuqing.

Wang Xiaoling is the niece of Zeng Qinghong’s wife.
Informed sources reveal that Wang had attained
her new position from that of being a nurse
because of her relationship to Zeng Qinghong.
Wang was never shy about her relative being Zeng.

Politics analyst Wang Beiji points out how
Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang are behind Caixin.
This detailed report on Caixin about Wang Xiaoling
suggests the factional split of the central regime.
The anti-corruption campaign is approaching the
Jiang faction’s central figure, that is, Zeng Qinghong.

Wang Beiji, political analyst: “The Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) is touching on a variety of issues.
This includes corruption, Zhou Yongkang,
Zeng Qinghong, the military, and even Jiang Zemin.
The fire has spread to Zeng Qinghong."

Zeng Qinghong is known to have
been a top advisor of Jiang Zemin.
Since the anti-corruption campaign was
initiated, hardline members of the Jiang
faction have been removed one after another.
Zeng Qinghong was named as being
next, after Zhou Yongkang’s case.

In early September last year, Zeng Qinghong’s niece
Zeng Baobao was exposed to beclosely related to Wu Bing.
Wu and Zeng were links to Zhou Yongkang’s corruption chain.

On January 28 this year, Caixin reported on
the arrest of a businessman, with an identical
name to that of the son of Zeng Qinghong.
On February 15, Zeng Wei, son of
Zeng Qinghong was reportedly under house arrest.

Song Lin, Chairman of state-owned enterprise
China Resources, was recently arrested.
It was believed to be instructed by Xi Jinping.
Wang Beiji believes that the exposure of the
niece of Zeng’s wife confirmed Zhongnanhai’s
next target will be Zeng Qinghong.
This will be the upcoming main battle against the Jiang faction.

Interview & Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Chen Jianming
