【禁闻】电视直播主持人斥贪官 当场被撤换






大陆媒体《新京报》10号发表评论文章“即便是炒作也别压制批评声”,作者称赞这位主持人“勇气可嘉”,并且针对当场撤换主持人的做法,他提出“倾听解决才是王道”。《钱江晚报》10号也发表文章质问﹕“直播被叫停 主持人惹了谁”。









釆访编辑/唐音 后制/孙宁

TV Host Replaced On Air While Criticizing Corrupt Officials

An online video has recently become popular.
A Hubei TV show host was replaced live
on air while criticizing local corrupt officials.
The host immediately won popular support.
Exactly what was going on? Let’s take a look.

On April 9, a Hubei TV program reported how local
Fangxian officials had occupied hundreds of acres
of farmland and built luxurious government buildings.
Nationally, Fangxian is a poverty stricken county.
Host Cui Jianbin criticized the corrupt behaviors of officials.
Cui said to the officials: “Get out and go as far as you’d like."

Before he finished his comment, he was asked to
stop. Prior to leaving, he said, “Please let me finish".
However, he was replaced immediately by a female anchor.

Up to 6pm on April 9, the video
had been forwarded 20,000 times.
It had received more than 4,000 comments from netizens,
including popular bloggers Feng Xincheng and Li Chengpeng.
Netizens have shown their
unanimous support to the TV host.

Netizens’ support was seen on Twitter and Weibo.
Famous Chinese blogger Guo Jingming
wrote: “Corrupt officials ought to be cursed.
Support the host to tell the truth! Dare to speak out!"
There are also netizens suggesting
to find out who removed the host.

Beijing News commented on April 10,
that criticism should not be suppressed.
The courage of the host was praised, and the
officials should listen and resolve these issues.
Qianjiang Evening News also
questioned who the host offended?

Liu Yiming, former reporter of Wuhan’s China
Magazine: “His being replaced on the spot
once again illustrates tight censorship in China.
There is no freedom of press, of speech, but
daring and outspoken journalists will still emerge.
The generations of the 80’s and 90’s are bold in speech."

Yun Tao, Hubei resident: “There is too
much interference in freedom of press.
Even recorded film with images and details of acts, is not
allowed because certain people’s interests were challenged.
There will be more people
awakening, seeking for freedom."

With hundreds of TV stations and thousands of websites
in China today, many people feel information is loaded.
Does this mean Chinese enjoy freedom of information?

Yun Tao: “Certainly not. That is why he was
kicked out in the middle of broadcasting.
It is not an isolated incident.
Without permission from the propaganda
department, nothing is allowed.
It is not allowed on Weibo, not on QQ, nor the Web or news."

Back in the 1940’s before the CCP had seized
power, Mao Zedong had brought up the idea
of “art to the service of politics" in Yan’an.

Wang Shiwei, was killed for exposing
information in his book, ‘Wild Lilies’.
He wrote about the CCP’s corruption in Yan’an,
the capital city of the CCP during war-time.

In addition, historian Wu Han died
after a fatal attack over his plays.
Hai Rui was dismissed from office, and these incidents
signaled the initiation the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

For more than a year, the communist regime
has conducted successive suppressions
of online posts on Weibo and WeChat.
Chinese netizens have been arrested for online posts
for simply demanding for officials to declare their property.

Liu Yiming: “Censorship has never been relaxed.
There are many media in China but, none
are of the standard of international media.
They are all under the control of the
CCP. There is no real press freedom.
As more journalists’ awaken, the repression
from the regime is only getting more severe."

Cui Jianbin, the removed TV host, was
nominated “my favorite host" last year in Hubei.

Cui Jianbin had criticized sinister businessmen
as “scum" in a live TV show, after information
detailed the sale of 22 tons of waste oil, which
ended up on dining tables in Xianning City.

Interview & Edit/Tang Yin Post-Production/Sun Ning
