










魏桢凌:“ 没有一个自由体制、一个制度来保障言论自由,我认为都谈不上真正言论自由,就算你说有微信、微博发些牢骚是可以的,但真正要对这个社会起到一定促进作用,或者你的想法、你的观点能够被大家所了解,我觉得在中国根本远远达不到这一点的,这是显而易见的。”

陈树庆:“ 只要共产党它维护它的一党专政、独裁、特权既得利益的话,那肯定对民众的言论自由,不管哪一种工具,它都要采取一定限制措施,它如果对民众直接限制不行,那么它就对网络供应商施加压力。”

目前使用“微信”的人数已经超过5亿。而敢于在网络发声的人们预言,虽然“微博”日渐式微,“微信”如日中天,但随着“微信”影响力的日益扩大,中共当局迟早会像对待“微博”一般,对“微信”采取更加严厉的打压和攻击,因为它们恐惧一切潜在的可能“ 威胁”。

采访编辑/张天宇 后制/孙宁

Weibo Posts Drop By 70%: Will Weixin Replace It?

Social media continues to become
increasingly popular in China.
A smartphone chat application called Weixin is
intensively competing with the Weibo microblog.
Both social platforms have huge users groups.
Last year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
intensified censorship of online expression.
It attacked and arrested many popular Weibo bloggers.

The number of Weibo users immediately reduced,
and Weixin became the alternative platform of choice.
A debate has now started over which of the two
platforms provides more freedom of expression.
Some comment that under the CCP dictatorship system,
neither Weibo nor Weixin has real freedom of expression.

The Daily Telegraph recently published a survey.

It indicated that since the CCP launched it’s real name
registry system for Weibo users, it has deleted and closed
many user accounts, and arresting well-known bloggers.

The number of posts on Weibo has reduced by 70%.

Weibo was at one time the most important and free
resource for news and public opinion, but is now shrinking.
Only CCP propaganda, business advertisements
and news about celebrities remains on the platform.

The Daily Telegraphy reported that many
Weibo users have now moved to using Weixin.

On January 30, Su Xiaohe, a financial writer
in Mainland China, posted messages on Weibo.
“From the perspective of freedom of expression,
imagine Weibo as a public space, such as a square.
Weixin is like being at a private banquet. Weakening
Weibo has caused public expression to fall again.
People who curse on Weixin are more timid,
and only bear the suffering in their hearts.
Those who continue to speak out on Weibo are
perhaps the real watchmen of freedom of speech."

Many netizens agree with Su Xiaohe.

They believe that comparing Weixin with Weibo,
information on the latter can spread far wider.
With this, however, it also receives further
monitoring, and more severe suppression.

Wei Zhenling, former reporter, Zhejiang Youth
Daily: “I think there is logic in saying this. Weibo
has more effect, so the regime controls it tightly.
Weixin’s effect is not as good as Weibo. It only
spreads information within specific, smaller circles.
Basically Weixin uses group as units,
and it spreads far less than Weibo."

Chen Shuqing, Zhejiang activist writer:
“Weixin spreads messages inside groups.
It has limited effect to spread messages externally.
However, Weixin can keep messages relatively
confidential within groups, but not absolutely safe.
The degree of confidentiality is a little higher."

Some netizens like to use Weixin more,
and believe Weixin has less restrictions.

Hu Jia, Mainland China activist:
“Weixin has a friends of a feather circle.
This friend circle is now almost similar as Weibo,
and it can display more information than Weibo.
It can circulate audio, video, text,
pictures and relatively important articles.
These can be copied to groups of friends,
and those friends are private contacts.
Some people have over a thousand Weixin friend
contacts. Weibo is now being severely suppressed.
Posts are being deleted and users’ accounts are being
closed, while Weixin is relatively stable and peaceful."

Netizens almost all agree that no matter
which platform, under the current regime,
there isn’t real freedom of expression.

Wei Zhenling: “Without a democratic system to protect
people’s freedom of expression, it is not real freedom.
You can complain on Weixin or Weibo,
but to really push forward the society;
to have your ideas and opinions acknowledged in public
is happening far less in Communist China. It is obvious."

Chen Shuqing: “As long as the CCP maintains
a one-party dictatorship, and privilege groups with
interests, and no matter which tool the public uses.
The regime will certainly use control
measures to restrict public expression.
If the CCP cannot directly control the public,
it will put pressure on the platform providers."

Weixin user numbers have reached over 500 million.

Some online commentators predict that as Weibo
weakens, and Weixin rises to become more influential,
the CCP will soon start severely attacking Weixin.

It will experience what Weibo has done,
because the CCP fears any potential “threat".

Interview & Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-Production/SunNing
