

美国“蒙大拿大学”历史学教授斯蒂芬•莱文(Stephen Levine),日前出资建立“六四事件”纪念网站,并在全球发起公开“六四真相”行动。





被北京警方从家中带走的北京知名人权活动人士胡佳,在被拘留24小时后, 27号傍晚已经获释回家。






但是,1月27号,另外4名参与“新公民运动” 维权活动的人士,仍然在北京受审。这4名维权人士分别是张宝成、袁东、丁家喜、李蔚。





Retired Professor Sets The Tiananmen Initiative Project

Retired Professor of History Stephen Levine of University of
Montana funded a website in commemoration of the June 4
massacre in 1989.

In the appeal, he wrote: “June 4, 2014 will mark the twenty-
fifth anniversary of the massacre in Beijing.
Hundreds if not thousands of unarmed Chinese citizens were
killed by troops acting on direct orders from the top rulers of
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The world knows this
tragedy as the Tiananmen Massacre."

He called upon “colleagues around the world in schools and
universities, civic organizations, foundations, research
institutions, non-governmental organizations, and similar
entities to sponsor and convene public events.
These are between April 15 and June 4, 2014, to mark the
twenty-fifth anniversary such as teach-ins, lectures, memorial
marches, press conferences, and other appropriate ways.

Such events may serve to memorialize the victims and educate
the public about what actually occurred in China in June1989.
And considering the significance of June 4 for the subsequent
course of Chinese politics, and stimulate ongoing discussions
in China about the necessity of genuine political reform."

He has since amassed more than 100 signatures, a list that
includes professors from Columbia University, Stanford
University, and National Tsing Hua University.

Hu Jia Was Detained For 24 Hours

Human rights activist Hu Jia returned home on January 27
after being held by Beijing police for 24 hours.

Hu Jia tells NTD that he was summoned to the Public Security
Bureau of Beijing Internet security corps regarding his activities
and participation in issues of Xinjiang, Tibet, Wang Bingzhang,
and other movements.

The most important reason for this summon was that he
organized visitors and rights defenders to the court to show
solidarity to the New Citizens’ Movement.

Hu Jia says that the state security warned that he has been
under strict and close monitor by the authorities.
Anything could be held as evidence to arrest him.

More New Citizens’ Movement Participants on Trial

The New Citizens’ Movement organizer Xu Zhiyong was
sentenced to four years in prison.
U.S. government and international human rights
organizations have criticized this court’s verdict.

On January 27, the other four activists involved in the New
Citizens’ Movement case trial continued their case trial.
They are Zhang Baocheng, Yuan Dong,
Ding Jiaxi, and Li Wei.

According to reports, both Zhang Baocheng and Yuan Dong
claimed their innocence, while Ding Jiaxi and Li Wei broke
their contract with the defense attorney delaying the trial for
15 days.
Beijing’s hope to conclude the case prior to the Chinese New
Year has gone.

Defense counsel Chen Jiangang told NTD that lawyers
have been restricted and cannot fully function.
The defense will have no effect so the trial will be unfair.

One of the main demands of the New Citizens’ Movement is:
To publicize Chinese officials’ personal property holdings.
Last year, at least 20 New Citizens’ Movement members were
Since last Wednesday, trials have been
conducted for a total of 10 accused people.

