【禁闻】中央社:陆网瘫痪 官方疏失造成

【新唐人2014年01月23日讯】中央社:陆网瘫痪 官方疏失造成


报导说,这使数千万网路用户被吊诡的绕送到美国动态网路技术公司(Dynamic Internet Technology)网站,而这家公司正是翻越中共防火墙的网路工具–“自由门”的开发者。









许志永案庭外 声援者抓捕






访民聚集抗议 电视台作秀遭围堵





CNA: Chinese Internet Issues Caused by Official Negligence

Taiwan’s Central News Agency reported, sources saying that
the massive Internet paralysis on January 21was likely human
error by the firewall engineer of the Communist regime.

The report said tens of millions of Internet users were rerouted
to the website of Dynamic Internet Technology, developer of
software, FreeGate, to bypass the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) web censorship tool, the Great FireWall.

The Chinese media, including the CCP mouthpiece Xinhua
News Agency, blamed the Internet issue on hackers.

However, sources familiar with the CCP Internet management
and operations told CAN that instead of a cyber attack, this
incident was a human error during the FireWall upgrade.

The sources said the CCP has employed the firewall to block
specific sites, including Dynamic Internet Technology.

Xu Zhiyong’s Case Hearing Ends in Silent Protest

New Citizen Movement organizer Xu Zhiyong charge d with
“gathering people to disturb public place order" went on trial
on January 22.

The Beijing First Intermediate People’s Court announced a
sentencing date will be chosen.

Xu Zhiyong’s defense attorney Zhang Qingfang indicated that
the court has violated the most basic legal proceedings.
Both Xu Zhiyong and the attorney carried out a silent protest
during the court hearing.
They refused the court investigation, cross-examination, and
the court debate.
The entire process ended with the defendant’s silent protest.

However, Zhang Qingfang told BBC Chinese network that
the silent protest in court doesn’t mean they will not comment.

Zhang Qingfang said he and Xu Zhiyong will publicize
the defense statement in a couple of days.

Supporters of Xu Zhiyong Were Arrested Outside Court

While Xu Zhiyong and his lawyer were protesting in the
courtroom with their silence, outside the courtroom, police
were busy hunting the reporters and arresting the supporters.

Large numbers of police were deployed outside the court.
Each block was occupied with police cars.
Pedestrians were prohibited on the sidewalks by the court.

Foreign media reporters were pushed away and the cameras
taken by unidentified plainclothes persons.

CNN reporter David McKenzie said on his Twitter feed:
“Manhandled, detained, and equipment broken near
Xu Zhiyong trial."

Some petitioners demanded officials’ property declaration and
also paid their solidarity to Xu by requesting an acquittal,
but were arrested by the police.

TV Crews Were Contained by Petitioners

On January 22, outside Shanghai municipal government, more
than 3,000 long time petitioners protested again.
Shanghai TV station crews and cars were contained at the scene.
Four people were wounded during the violent crackdown.

Petitioner Tang Jianzhong told NTD reporter that early in the
morning, the crowd shouted: “Down with corrupt officials!
Down with corruption! Defeat, overthrow, destroy Chinese
Communist Party bandits.”

Shanghai TV crew members’ cars were pasted with the
complaint leaflets.
Petitioners indicate that the Shanghai TV did not care about
the petitioners but intended to eliminate the influence of
overseas media reports of the petitioners.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
