

“摊派精神病指标”要求各县(市、区)累计筛查,发现重性精神疾病患者任务数,不低于辖区常住人口数的千分之二,这一任务,被纳入卫生部门对社区医院的考评中,如果没有完成就会面临上级的督导。 官方媒体声称,这些指标只是指导而不是强制性。







北京退休警察李金平: “最后就给我送到精神病院,就给你用药,不用检查,回去我全吐了,恶心啊,一直头痛了一个多礼拜,一直闭不上眼啊,关了7个月(在精神病院),哎呀﹗那是一件痛苦的事情我不想再想。”









采访编辑/刘惠 后制/钟元

Henan Health Bureau Assigns Mental Health an Index

The World Mental Health Day has just passed,
and news about Henan Zhengzhou Health Bureau’s
assigning mental patients an index soon
broke out of mainland China.

“Assigning mental patients an index” requires all counties,
cities, and districts to accumulate their data.
Patients with severe mental illness must not be less
than 2% of the permanent resident population.
This mission is included in the evaluation from the Health
Bureau to community hospitals, under high level leaders’ supervision.
However, Chinese official media says the index
is a direction, but is not mandatory.

A community health worker in Jinshui District of Zhengzhou
told an NTD reporter: “Even if it’s not mandatory,
orders given from high level leaders to lower levels
always have a mandatory meaning to them.”

A health worker at the Health Bureau of Zhengzhou
in Henan said, “The question you asked is related
to disease prevention and control.

I’ll let our responsible person answer.

Let me contact our responsible person,
which may take a few minutes.
Please call back in a while at your convenience.”

The NTD reporter called back from morning
to the afternoon,but the phone had a busy signal
at all times.

China’s Civil Rights and Livelihood Watch (CRLW) released
a book in 2010 entitled, “Chinese Psychiatric Victims
Database” based on cases released by the government.

The book includes cases of nearly 1,000 victims
who were forcibly treated as mental patients.

CRLW responsible person, Liu Feiyue: “These are
incomplete statistics.
Of course there are not only 1,000 victims forced
to be mental patients in China.
The victims are mostly petitioners, relocatees, farmers
who lost their land, rights activists, etc.
The government considers them to be disturbing
the social stability.
Compared to judicial means, treating them
as mental patients is faster, easier, and simpler.”

Retired Beijing police officer Li Jinping was placed
in a mentalhospital in Chaoyang District of Beijing
in 2010 because he appealed to rehabilitate Zhao Ziyang.

Li Jinping: “They finally sent me to the mental hospital,
and fed me medicine without giving me any exam.
I threw up and felt sick afterwards.

I had headache for a week, and couldn’t sleep.

I was detained in mental hospital for 7 months.

Ahh! I don’t want to think about those miserable things.”

An overseas Website, Minghui, did incomplete statistics,
showing at least 30 Falun Gong practitioners had a mental
disorder after being tortured in Masanjia Labor Camp
in Liaoning by April 2010.
This number doesn’t include practitioners who had
a mental breakdown or who died from torture.

Pan Qi, a survivor from Masanjia, also a former doctor
in Dalian, saw the miserable condition of Falun Gong
practitioner Su Juzhen after she was forcibly
fed mental drugs.
Su was tortured to death in 2006.

Pan Qi: “Her eyes were looking at me
with no facial appearance.
I asked her ‘what happened to you?’
She had no response.
It seemed like she had no soul.”

Soon after, the same torture came to Pan Qi.

Her detention was extended because she refused
to quit practicing Falun Gong.
After she developed a mental disorder due to torture,
her family was able to bail her out in the name
of her mental illness.

After that, Pan Qi relocated to the US via Thailand.

Falun Gong practitioner Li Bin, now living in the US,
was also deceived into a mental hospital
in 2010 when he had just received his Masters degree.

Li Bin, Falun Gong practitioner in the US, said,
“They shut the door after putting me in.
I realized I was deceived.

There were over 60 mental patients in there.
They tied me up and inject some liquid in me.
Then, I slept till dusk.

They also did electrotherapy on me.
One day, I suddenly lost my memory.
I felt so useless.
That feeling was extremely horrible.”

A group of 42 mental patients escaped a mental hospital
in Teng County of Guangxi on July 5.
Official report said the so-called “mental patients” held
the care workers hostage, took the keys, cell phones,
and cash, and escaped from the hospital.

Liu Yuefei points out that often times, rights activists
who were forcibly treated as mental patients become
more firm in defending rights,
and they continuously petition after being released.
He says “maintaining stability” unscrupulously will just
add more unstable factors.
