【禁闻】铁流直书王岐山 举报李长春卖官

















采访/易如 编辑/宋风 后制/李勇

Tie Liu Wrote Wang Qishan, Exposing Li Changchun’s Corruption

Tie Liu, a Mainland Chinese writer who was labeled
as a rightist in the past, recently sent a letter to Wang Qishan,
Secretary of the central disciplinary department.

The letter reports on Li Changchun, former member of
Standing Committee, had gotten millions of dollars in bribes
for selling official positions.

Tie says that 10 years ago, the China Calligraphers Association
(CCA) changed its Party branch secretary
which obviously breached policy.

People in Beijing’s academic circles all knew
that it was because Li Changchun had taken bribes.

In his letter, Tie Liu exposed that in Feb. 2002, Mr. Zhang Biao
went from being chief editor for Science and Technology Daily
to taking office as the CCA’s vice chair and Party branch secretary.

The 55-year-old Zhang was the CCA’s youngest top leader.
The CCA was in dire straits at that time, with no cars,
no houses, loosened management and chaotic.

It was a place no official liked to go.

After Zhang Biao managed the CCA,
the situation improved quickly.
The CCA rapidly increased its membership,
bringing in huge revenue.

CCA policy states that chairman of the CCA should stay for
at least two election years, and can remain until the age of 70.
However, Zhang Biao had worked less than one election year,
and he was only 59 when he was replaced by Zhang Hai,
chair of the Henan Calligraphers Association.

Insiders say that Zhang Hai gave 8 million yuan ($1.3 million)
to Li Changchun, later Propaganda Minister Liu Yunshan
pressured the CCA to replace Zhang Biao with Zhang Hai.

Tie Liu also says that he was recently told by an influential
widow and some calligraphy businessmen,
that Zhang Hai spent 10 million yuan ($1.6 million)
to get his position as CCA chair.

Tie Liu says that his letter likely
would stir up heated responses.
It is also a test for Xi Jinping’s “beating big and small tigers
at once”, and “no exceptions to the death penalty
for Politburo Standing Committee members”.

Tie Liu: “Wang Qishan will certainly reply to me,
if not, the central disciplinary department would reply.
I signed my real name and left my phone number in the letter.”

Tie Liu says that after Zhang Hai became chair of the CCA,
his calligraphy was immediately worth a lot of money.
Four square feet of his work sold for 30,000 yuan ($4,900).

Ye Kuangzheng, poet and cultural critic in Mainland China,
says that the current the market price increases for calligraphy
and Chinese paintings is related to official corruption.

Now many officials are masquerading as lovers of culture,
resulting in so called “elegant bribery”.

Ye Kuangzheng: “Once he became CCA chairman,
then at the least it will be very easy for him to get artworks
by famous calligraphers and artists, it’ll be very easy.”

Ye said that there was huge population of officials in China,
each county has demands.
Thus officials in calligraphy industry can easily
obtain great amount of money.

Tie Liu’s letter wrote that Li Changchun was notorious.

Li committed many bad deeds during his tenure
as Henan’s provincial Party secretary.
He made a fortune from the “blood selling campaign”,
resulting in the “AIDS disaster” happening in Henan.
His daughter Li Tong relied on his influence
to carry out private fundraising.
His brother Li Changji, former Dalian construction committee
leader, helped Fu Yanbin, chair of Dalian-based developer
Rightway, to obtain “cheap” land and loans.

For example, Fu had made over one hundred million yuan
from a Happy Home Project in Shahehou District in Dalian.

Tie Liu points out that Li Changchun had
a unique relationship with Bo Xilai.
Both are connected to ill-earned money
and political conspiracy.
Thus Li Changchun supported Chongqing’s
“Singing Red songs, fighting corruption” campaign.
People know that Li Changchun is amoral and incompetent,
and his promotion had entirely relied on Jiang Zemin.

Tie Liu says Li Changchun took a leftist stance politically,
living in a corrupt life.
Li supported his family members by using his influence
to make a fortune.
He had covered up officials’ corruption, restricted
public expression, and persecuted his political opponents.
Tie hopes the central disciplinary department will investigate
Li Changchun on the issue of official positions selling.

Beijing artist Zhui Hun: “If the regime seriously carries
out the investigation, its system will collapse.
The regime can only let the problem continue to rot at it’s root,
as it has already rotten.”

Zhui Hun says that the Chinese Communist Party’s
authoritarian regime has reached its dead end row.
If officials with a conscience dare to talk honestly
they will be sacked.
Anyone who dares expose the truth
face the possibility of being jailed.
In order to survive, the CCP ignores all conventions and ethics.

However, none of the CCP’s struggles
can change its collapse in the end.
