【禁闻】薄熙来当庭翻供 中南海如何反应?

【新唐人2013年08月23日讯】薄熙来当庭翻供 中南海如何反应?






《美联社》的分析则说,这是薄熙来利用庭审作的最后一搏,“绝对是薄熙来在历史舞台上的最后一次表演。” 报导说,尽管薄熙来傲慢的自辩,但是针对薄的一个有罪判决是肯定的。



辽宁抚顺腐尸遍野 臭气熏天






Bo Xilai Denies Bribe Allegations During Trial

The closely-watched Bo Xilai trial ended its first
session on August 22, at 18:50 Beijing time.

During the trial, Bo denied bribery charges.

Bo alleged the Party’s Central Commission for Discipline
Inspection (CDIC) had coaxed confessions out of him.
He said that he is not familiar with Xu Ming,
and the testimony of his wife, Gu Kailai, is funny.
According to Bo, witness Tang Xiaolin is like a mad dog.

The trial, deemed like a rehearsed performance,
and was a surprise, promoting speculations.

A netizen posts, “the premiere of
the big-budget film is quite surprising.
Who spoiled the show? Or maybe the screenwriter
is so talented that they offer such breathtaking plots?"

Yang Jisheng, Deputy Editor of Yanhuang Chunqiu
magazine, commented in an interview with Deutsche Welle.
He says that this is not likely a drama directed
by the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) authorities.
Yang thinks that the CCP has
now been thrown into passivity.

The Epoch Times quotes Shi Cangshan, an expert on China.

Shi says that the core issue of the Bo Xilai
case is the military coup, and organ harvesting.
The CCP central authorities fear a regime collapse.

So, it has continued to isolate the Bo Xilai
case, cutting its ties with other CCP officials.
The central CCP has even reached an agreement
with the Jiang Zemin faction on how to deal with Bo.
However, at his trial, Bo sent a
signal to his politician supporters.
That is, he is fighting against the CCP
central authorities to the last moment.

Associated Press (AP) reports that the trial for
Bo Xilai “appeared to be a last-ditch effort".
The report quotes a Chinese analyst.

“It’s definitely the last performance
of Bo Xilai on the platform of history."
AP says that despite Bo’s feisty defense, a
verdict of guilty against Bo is all but assured.
Zhang Lifan, Chinese historian and political analyst:

“It’s definitely the last performance
of Bo Xilai on the platform of history."
“Bo is a man with no bottom line, and if his political
life is ruined, it would be equal to killing him."

An article published on website thinks
that Bo will face a death penalty, similar to Cheng Kejie.
Cheng was former Vice Chairman of the Standing
Committee for the National People’s Congress.
At his trial in 2000, Cheng also denied
charges, and debated with the prosecutor.
Cheng was eventually sentenced to death.

On dealing with Bo Xilai, the CCP
top leadership has been at odds.
Will Bo’s denial of taking bribes give
rise to a new round of internal battles?
What is Xi Jinping’s final decision? The answers
to these questions are being closely watched.

Liaoning Province Floods: Rotting Corpses Everywhere in Nankouqian Town

The catastrophic floods in Qingyuan County
in Liaoning Province have entered a fourth day.
The CCP authorities declared a death
toll of 63, with 101 people missing.
However, survivors have revealed that in one
town alone, 600 bodies have been dug out.
In some of the worst hit areas, the buried
rotting corpses are still waiting to be removed.

Victims say that the flood have toppled and destroyed
all the houses in the worst hit Nankouqian town.
Its high death toll has seen the local
crematorium furnaces stay open 24 hours a day.
Each furnace cremates
several bodies at one time.

A volunteer inside the disaster area spoke to NTD.

Lots of residents in Nankouqian Town
have been washed away by the flood.
Their bodies are now buried in
the sands or under the trees.

Mr. Xu, a flood victim who lives in the upriver
of Nankouqian town, spoke with NTD.
He says the town is now covered with
rotting corpses, emitting terrible odors.
All the surviving residents have left the town.

Volunteers have put relief supplies on
the street, but no one wanted them.
