【禁闻】中共忙辟谣 传言肆虐预示大变动?




中国社科院近代史研究所研究员马勇早先曾经撰文说,谣言止于“知者”。 意思就是,如果政治透明,社会是透明的,发生什么事情立刻就能公开全部真相,谣言就没有生存的空间。








乔木还举了当局最新的造谣例子。 8月1号,由中央领导布置各大网站转载一篇署名王小石的文章,批判公知每天在网络上兴风作浪,煽风点火。文章还说苏联解体后,俄罗斯穷困潦倒。




采访编辑/秦雪 后制/钟元

Chinese Regime Refutes Rumors. Does This Predict A Change?

On August 1, several websites in
China including jointly set a platform.
This included Qianlong, Sina Weibo and Sohu. The platform
was called, “Beijing region joint site for refuting rumors.”
To echo this, China Central Television (CCTV)
launched a new program called, “truth investigation.”
CCTV claimed that this program is about
the investigation of rumors, slanders and lies.
Scholars in Mainland China said that when rumors
are rampant, it indicates major changes in society.
The way to really avoid rumors from spreading
over is to not to suppress it, but to be transparent.

On the evening of July 30, CCTV launched
a new program called, “Truth Investigation”.
They used a car accident as a story, showing two young
rumor makers wearing inmate clothes escorted by police.
They admitted their crimes in
front of a television audience.

Qianlong website, responsible for the
content of the “refuting rumors” website:
Sogou is in charge of collecting data. Sina Weibo
and Sohu provide information on the rumors.
These major website promote the “refuting
rumors” website on their main page.

Ma Yong, a research fellow in modern history at the
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, commented.
Rumors will stop if there is transparency. If the
politics is transparent, society will be transparent.
When anything happens, if the truth is immediately
told to the public, the public certainly will understand.
The rumors cannot survive.

On August 2, Ma Yong spoke to NTD television.

From the perspective of Chinese history, every time rumors
became rampant, it likely forecasts a change in society.

Ma Yong: “In the Tang and Han dynasty’s, it was a time
of great prosperity, and there were no rumors around.
The time of Han dynasty took over the Qi dynasty, and
became one of the worst times for rampant rumors.
When society has a big change, or politics aren’t smooth,
many rumors will spread, which is bound to happen.”

Ma Yong believes that to speak the
truth is the way to clear away rumors.
Regarding CCTV’s “truth investigation”
program, Ma said that the problem isn’t
to investigate the truth, but to tell the truth.

Ma Yong: “For example, a watermelon farmer was beaten
to death by law enforcement personnel, with an iron weight.
The truth of the incident, as well as
videos should be publicized first.
The recorded monitor videos should be open to the
public, as in China monitor cameras are everywhere.
It is not the issue whether to investigate or not.

A few days later, the farmer’s body was
cremated, and his family were silenced.
Finally, the authorities lied, and claimed
the farmer wasn’t killed by law personnel.”

Qiao Mu, Vice-Professor in Journalism of
Beijing Foreign Studies University, commented.
Qiao said that the so-called “refuting rumors”
often aims selectively towards rumors.
In the history, the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) has created many rumors, so how
can it clear them using an online platform?

Qiao Mu: “In history, Great Leap Forward,
the Anti Rightists in Cultural Revolution,
and the so-called Three Years of Natural Disasters,
have never been mentioned any more.
For example, in Bo Xilai’s case, the Chongqing
official website did say Wang Lijun had
received “holiday-style medical treatment”.
Actually, we know Wang fled to the US Consulate.
This is the rumor that the authorities created.”

Recently, the CCP has prosecuted Bo Xilai.

The crimes of Bo had improper relations with several
women, and which Xinhua News reported earlier, had
not been mentioned in Bo’s three charges this time.

Qiao Mu said that state-owned
media tells the public half the story.
It covers up the other half, so no
wonder everyone speculates about it.

Qiao has listed several rumors
that the authorities created lately.
On August 1, the central leadership ordered major
websites to circulate an article written by Wang Xiaoshi.
It criticized intellectuals creating rumors online.

The article said that after the Soviet
Union collapse, Russia became poorer.

Qiao Mu: “However, prior to this, People’s Daily
has said that Russia has developed very well.
Its GDP reached the top five in the world,
with more than US$10,000 income per capita.
In the end, which is true, which is false?
They create such rumors everyday.
Now, no one believes state-owned
media, not even their punctuation.”

Qiao said that many CCP claimed “political rumors”
had been proved are truth for the time beings.
Especially with the Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai
cases, including businessman Xu Ming’s
arrest, all the rumors we heard are reasonable.

Ma Yong said that if this crisis happened in the
US, media are free to report the facts initially.
The information is under a free competed environment.

The true and false information can be worked on.
As long as it is a free environment, the
fabricated information has no way to be sustained.
