【禁闻】人体器官分配将可溯源 欲盖弥彰?












采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李若琳

New Official Claims on China’s Human Organs for Transplantation

What are the real sources of human
organs for transplantation in China?
The Chinese Communist party (CCP) authorities
have repeatedly changed their answers to this question.
Also, the regime has evaded accusations of stealing and
harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
On May 11 was the first human organ procurement
organization International Forum held in Shenzhen.
China’s National Health & Family Planning Commission
(NHFPC) openly claimed that the work on organ
donation of deceased Chinese people is fully under way.
Allocated transplant organs can
all be traced back to the source.
Is this argument plausible?

How does the international community view
this claim? Let’s see our report for details.

Huang Jiefu, director of NHFPC Commission for Clinical
Application of Human Organ remarked at the forum.
He said that NHFPC is formulating relevant
regulations on the donation of human organs.
The donated organs of deceased citizens will be
allocated through an official organ sharing system.
Allocation of human organs for transplantation,
which are restricted on those outside this system.
Huang also alleged that when the police take charge, human
organ allocations can all be traced back to the source.

Li Yuanhua, Chinese historian: “The
public no longer trusts what he says.
So far in China, the source of donor corpses is unclear.

In fact, this forum has made CCP’s crime
of organ harvesting more conspicuous.
It tried to cover this up, by discussing it academically.

But it is indisputable that CCP authorities
have been involved in organ harvesting.
So no matter how it is hidden, it’s futile.”

Zhang Jian, China issues expert, USA: “People
may find more clues from this International Forum.
The CCP has always shot itself in the
foot when it tries to cover up the truth.
A similar case was the false self-immolation staged
to defame Falun Gong in Tiananmen Square in 2001.”

Reportedly, China has 164 eligible
human organ procurement organizations.
They were set up by China’s
accredited organ transplant hospitals.
These organ procurement organizations will
allocate organs through an organ sharing system.

Zhang Jian: “Today’s Chinese aren’t willing
to help a child or an old man who falls down.
How is it they want to donate their bodies to others?

Also, for many Medical Schools, it’s hard for
them to get corpses to learn human anatomy.
But massive organs transactions have taken place in the
market. What is the real face of this industry supply chain?”

Zhengjian.org reported that on May 9, a
petition with over 100,000 signatures was
presented to NSW Upper House, Australia.
The plea called for new laws to ban
the illegal organ transplant trade.
It also called for the end of training transplant surgeons who
are involved, or will be involved in illegal organ harvesting.

Li Yuanhua: “This is an issue that has aroused
heated discussions in two Houses of NSW Parliament.
The University of Sydney awarded
Huang Jiefu the title of Professor Emeritus.
Evidence shows Huang participated
in organ harvesting in China.
So some professors and MPs have
proposed to remove Huang’s title.”

Since the late 1970s, the CCP has been condemned
Internationally for taking organs from death row prisoners.
Yet, it has flatly denied the accusation.

Up until 2006, when organ harvesting of living Falun Gong
practitioners was exposed, the CCP Ministry of Health
admitted, in high-profile, that China’s human organs for
transplantation have come from the executed prisoners.

Zhang Jian: “Organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners
has sunk below the moral bottom line of human beings.
The CCP authorities may insist on denying the charge.

It can be seen that the number of donated death
row organs has never matched with the number of
organs that been transplanted each year in China.”

Zhang Jian says that the CCP has never
stopped committing organ-harvesting crimes.
At the same time, it plays the role of
an angel, in order to delude the public.
Its goal is to make the public pay no attention to its crimes,
which is an old trick it has used for years, says Zhang Jian.
