
















采访/易如 编辑/宋风 后制/周天

China’s Professors Illegitimate Incomes Exposed

Chen Pingyuan, former Head of the Chinese Department
at Beijing University, revealed in a television program that 90% of professors in China have illegitimate income.
An ongoing exposure of corruption scandals
in the academic field has caused a public outcry.
Scholars point out, the corruption of the Chinese Communist
Party’ (CCP) one-party dictatorship is spreading everywhere.

On April 10th, Prof. Chen Pingyuan analyzed the reasons
for the excellent academic tradition disappearing in China.
He said that university professors have low salaries and high
bonuses, the latter coming from official’s ad hoc funding.
Thus, professors are busy to find projects at the beginning
of the year, and to find invoice at the year’s end.
Expenditure for subject projects can be turned
into personal consumption’ or bonus’ outlay.
A thorough investigation will find that at least 90%
of the professors in China are involved in such a practice.

Xie Tian, professor of Aiken Business School at University
of South Carolina: “This also happens in the international community, but very, very rarely.
I have taught more than 10 years in the US, and only heard
of it mentioned a couple of times; it’s extremely rate in US."

Sun Wenguang, a retired professor of Shandong University,
believes that as an educator, one should teach, but also set a good personal example.
Now, everything had changed.

Sun Wenguang: “University professors should be
imparting the Tao, the skill, and clear away confusion.
These are their responsibilities
since ancient times.
Now, their souls have changed under the social degradation
Thus, so many professors prioritize money making.”

Sun Wenguang comments that many professors obtain
benefits from projects’ funding, admission of graduate students, and the process of titles’ assessment.

Recently, many corrupt professors
were caught in Mainland China.

In March 2013, Liu Yibing, Hunan Police College professor,
was sentenced to 12 years for accepting bribes.
In January 2013, a Chongqing hospital professor Liu
was sentenced to five years in prison for accepting bribes.
Before Chinese New Year 2013, Duan Zhenhao, a director–
finalist of Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory,
was sentenced to 13 years,
due to corruption’ and mistress’ issues.
In October 2012, Sun Qianfo, retired professor of Beijing
Union University, was sentenced to 15 years for over 19 million Yuan fraud.
In July 2012, Men Shuting, former Changchun University’
vice-president, was sentenced to life imprisonment for accepting 9.39 million Yuan in bribes.

Earlier this year, Yi Junqing, director of Central Compilation
and Translation Bureau and doctoral advisor, was investigated for lifestyle issues.

These constant corruption scandals
have shocked the Mainland public.

Sun Wenguang believes that corruption in the universities
comes from the CCP’s officialdom.
Now, the gray interests (illegitimate income) chain
had spread amongst China’s academia as well.

Sun Wenguang: “The CCP’s officialdom uses
various means to accumulate wealth.
One can own dozens of houses,
and send his children overseas.
Such an environment will definitely affect all aspects
of society, as well as people’s awareness and notions.
The one party dictatorship has caused an ongoing corruption,
which had finally reached colleges and universities.”

Xie Tian, professor of the University of South Carolina,
points out that in the US the moral system is maintained by religion and belief.
More than 90% of the people have faith, and they know
the entrapping of corruption and wrong actions.
In addition, teaching is a relatively respected profession,
and everyone is being treasured.
Thus, no one wants to ruin his career and future
for a trivial gain.

Xie Tian adds, the US’ have various systems in place,
which very effectively curb occurrences of corruption too.

Xie Tian: “The moral system, the independent media,
the power of checks and balances, the financial and accounting systems, none of these exist in China.
So, it is not a surprise to see corruption in colleges and
universities; they are microcosms of the Chinese society.”

The overseas Chinese website “Participation" says, only by
following CCP’s culture one can get subject project funding.
Critics of the CCP get nothing.

Thus, more academic institutions become Party entities.
That is a key reason why higher institutions lack values now.
