

官方微博“中国军网”2月2号报导,习近平上午到“戈壁深处的空军某基地”看望慰问部队官兵和科技人员。 “新浪军事”微博指称,基地位于甘肃省的鼎新机场,是解放军空军第一试验训练基地。十八大后,军方对副大军区级将领作出重大调整,空军调整规模为各军兵种之最。



政论家 伍凡:“没有党卫军了,所以他(习近平)念念不忘这个(苏联垮台)历史教训,所以她在南巡讲话中一再讲到为什么共产党要牢牢掌握军队。习近平上台已经三个月了,他最大的 第一步要做的事情就是要掌控军队,紧接着要掌控武警,这是他两个保护政权的最重要的工具,如果军队和武警保不住的话,那他的总书记的位置也不稳。”




今年1月钓鱼岛发生中日军机对峙后,中共当局“做好打仗准备”的宣传甚嚣尘上。 香港《争鸣》杂志分析说,现在江系分支势力仍在军中盘踞,维稳系统政法委虽然已经降格,但综治委构架并未撤销,直接威胁“习核心”的政治安全。习近平之所以高调宣称准备打仗,意在聚拢目前分散的军权



采访/常春 编辑/许旻 后制/陈建铭

Will Xi Jinping Save the Disunity in the Military?

Xi Jinping, the President, Chairman of the Central Military
Commission, and General Secretary of the Communist Party,
has been very active in the army
since the 18th National Congress.
In just over two months, he has conducted inspection
of the army covering the sea, land and air, the Second Artillery Corps, and armed police.
Regional generals have also been reorganized
and appointed.
However, military power is still divided by Jiang faction,
and the faction for stability maintenance.
Anti-corruption in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
to date only reached Gu Junshan, former deputy director of the PLA General Logistics Department.
Will Xi Jinping be able to control the PLA?
How long will the regime last? The following is our report.

PLA official website, chinamil.com, reported that Xi Jinping
visited an Air Force base in remote Gobi on Feb 2nd.
This base is referred to as the first PLA Air Force pilot
training base located at Dingxin Airport in Gansu Province.
After the 18th National Congress, reorganization of the
Generals at PLA regions has taken place with the Air Force experiencing the most significant personnel adjustment.

Xi Jinping once served as a secretary of Geng Biao,
then Minister of National Defense.
He knows his power within the regime depends on the
second generation of the red army leadership, i.e., those who were born after the 1950s.
With his new leadership, Xi Jinping has appointed
nearly 40 new generals born after the 50s.
Among them, more than twenty were promoted to the PLA
regions, and many have the background in Russian studies with a master’s degree.
Recently, Xi Jinping also signed a presidential order
to honor six military units and 24 individuals.

Xi Jinping’s strong determination to control the army
is evident in his tour speech to the south.
He said the collapse of the Soviet Union is a painful lesson
of a national and non-party Soviet army.
A neutral army is not enough to protect the Communist Party.

Political commentator Wu Fan: “An army not for the Soviet
Communist Party that leads to the collapse of Soviet Union is the lesson Xi Jinping is obsessed with.
That’s the reason why he talked about controlling the PLA
tightly in the hand of the Party in his speech.
Xi Jinping has been in power for three months.
To control the army is his major priority.
Armed police will be the next to control.
These two are his tools to protect the regime.
Without the army and the armed police,
his general secretary position is not secured."

Xi Jinping promulgated ten rules to the Central
Military Commission in December 2012.
Among these rules include minimum accommodation during
official inspections and forbidding banquet and drinking.
These were considered Xi Jinping’s moves to regulate
the army.
However, it is criticized that Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption
in the army is superficial for it stops at Gu Junshan, and controls drinking only.

Cai Guihua, one of the founders of the Democracy Wall,
indicates PLA army corruption has become a characteristic
of the regime due to Jiang Zemin having used it
to secure his power in the army.

Wu Fan: “Xi Jinping is using all tactics to control the army.
His anti-corruption in the army will only hit the deputy director of logistics.
The rest will be, ‘as long as the commands are obeyed,
do as much as you’d like.’
An army like this will not have any fighting power.
It is full of corruption and bribery. This army is useless."

The Communist regime’s claim to fight has gone rampant
since the air force confrontation with Japan over the Diaoyu Islands this January.
Hong Kong’s Chengming magazine analyzed that Xi Jinping’s
political power is still insecure because Jiang faction continues to influence the army.
The influence of Politics and Law Committee for stability
maintenance has been relegated, but the Central Comprehensive Social Management Commission remains.
Xi Jinping’s claim to fight is intended to gather
the dispersed military power.

Wu Fan: “Xi Jinping intended to mobilize his buddy
and crumble his opponents by inspecting around.
The army is not entirely controlled by the Central
Military Commission, but by various factions.
There is the Jiang faction and Bo Xilai faction,
and the armed police under Zhou Yongkang.
It will take time for him to deal with
these individual factions.
With the incentive of preparing for war, he intended
to control the army and have them serve for him,
the regime leader and the Chairman of the
Central Military Commission."

Wu Fan indicates that the soul is the root of the army.

The army must carry the will to protect the home,
the country and the territory.
Without it, it is only a gang and a group of bandits
in uniform.
