【禁闻】南周事件尚未息 庹震去留民关注











广州律师 唐荆陵:“这个事情可能还不能算一个好的结果,因为我知道,在声援南周的人中,有一些人提出来的直接诉求是希望庹震离职,要撤掉庹震的职位,但是,如果只是撤社长,然后没有所谓的涉及审查,这个恐怕还是很多人的目的还是没有达到。”




山东维权人士 杨明玉:“声援南周就是声援我们自己,我们要放开我们的言论,没有言论自由是不行的,在这个独裁暴政之下,有了言论自由才有我们的下一波,推动我们的人权,保护自己。”




采访编辑/李韵 后制/王明宇

Southern Weekly Newspaper Incident: Will Tuo Zheng Keep his Job?

The “Southern Weekly", which began protesting
after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
propaganda controls altered its New Year’s
message, will resume publication on Thursday.
However, nationwide protests to defend freedom of press,
that were triggered by this incident, have not yet ended.
This is even after a successful
negotiation with the authorities.
News has not yet confirmed the replacement
of Tuo Zheng, the Propaganda Minister.

On January 10, Southern Weekly newspapers
re-appeared on news stands in Beijing and Shanghai.
Prior to that, the Southern Weekly’s editorial
team, and it’s reporters, had been on strike.
They were protesting against their New Year’s special
edition being tampered with by Tuo Zheng, the
Guangdong Province Propaganda Department Minister.

That protest trigged nation-wide support from
celebrities, scholars, and Mainland netizens.

On the morning of the Janurary 10, there were no protesters
outside the heavily guarded Southern Weekly agency.
For the last three days, hundreds of thousands of people
had gathered there, holding placards, shouting slogans,
and demanding an end to media and internet control.

They called for freedom of speech and abolishing
the ban on the Southern Weekly newspaper ban.

Hua Po, a current affairs observer in Beijing,
believes that the Tuo Zheng incident is only
a part of CCP facing rectifying the media.

Hua Po: “The CCP does not want
this incident to become too large.
Otherwise it will have to harshly crackdown
on it, which will distort the image of the
Xi-Li’s leadership as being ‘reformers’.

It will also bring huge turmoil to the current Party leadership.

That was why its first major newspaper, “People’s Daily”,
did not make a comment, but the subsidiary paper
“Global Times” published a negative commentary.

The Global Times published an editorial
regarding the “Southern Weekly incident”.
It alluded that the “Southern Weekly’s" editorial
staff protests were instigated by foreign forces,
with the purpose of challenge the system.

The Central Propaganda Department ordered
mainstream websites and all the influential
newspapers across the country to carry
this false editorial from the Global Times.
However, the “Southern City News “, “Beijing News",
and “Xiaoxiang Morning" refused to comply.

On the evening of January 8, the Central Propaganda
Department forced “Beijing News" and “Xiaoxiang Morning"
to carry the editorial in it’s January 9 publication.

The entire editorial staff of the
“Beijing News" strongly resisted.
The director Dai Zigen gave his
verbal resignation on the spot.
It was learned that Yan Lijiang, Deputy Minister of
the Beijing Municipal Party Committee Propaganda
Department, threatened to dissolve the news agency.

On January 9, “the Beijing News’ carried
a portion of the Global Times editorial
on its China News Edition A20 page.

On the morning of January 9, Reuters reported Guangdong
provincial party secretary Hu Chunhua intervened.
Hu reached an agreement with Southern
Weekly newspapers editorial department.
Huang Can, the current editor in chief, will resign, and there
will be no reprisal against staff participating in the protests.
The content review procedures
remain the same as before.

Tang Jingling, Guangzhou lawyer:
“This outcome may not be good.
Many of those among the supporters
requested the resignation of Tuo Zheng.
With the resignation of the newspapers chief editor,
but without any change in the content review system,
many peoples wishes have gone unfulfilled.”

Hua Po says that the Central Propaganda Department
ordered other major media to carry the Global Times’
editorial, and made them feel like second class slaves.
It led to the outpouring of the media’s pent-up anger.

After the “Beijing News" incident, the
“Southern Weekly” incident intensified.
It became the focus of microbloggers.

Hong Kong’s Apple Daily said protests spread
from Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai, through
to Chengdu, Zhengzhou, Changsha, Hangzhou,
and other cities, like a wild forest fire.
More Internet users will take to
the streets on January 12 and 13.

Shandong human rights activist Yang Mingyu told
NTD Television about the morning of January 10.
Yang rushed to the Southern Weekly with
a few friends, to support the news agency.

Yang Mingyu: “Supporting Southern
Weekly is in turn supporting ourselves.
We need freedom of speech.
Without freedom of speech, and under this
tyranny, we cannot move on to the next step.
Promoting human rights is protecting us.”

Tang Jingling highlights that violation
of freedoms of expression are encountered
in different parts of our society.

Supporting Southern Weekly is only a tipping point.

“At first, authorities closed many people’s microblogs,
took their IP address, cut cable lines, and cut phone lines.
No one seemed to show any care.

However, it does not mean that we have
no feelings about our rights being violated,
nor that we don’t know how to deal with it.
We are moved every time that we
are deprived of our opportunities.
The CCP has blocked our rights to
information for so long, and we dislike it.
This is not only about the Southern Weekly incident.”

Hua Po speculates that the Southern
Weekly incident will end quietly.
Tuo Zheng will soon be transferred
from Guangdong with a promotion.
The CCP will further strengthen its
media control in the near future.
