


大陆媒体报导说,湖南省粮食局局长夏文星,当天在济南参加“全国粮油精品展”和“爱粮 节粮宣传周”的启动活动,夏文星参入了“饥饿体验”活动,拒绝参加酒席晚宴招待,禁食了一天。














采访编辑/唐睿 后制/王明宇


Comparing CCP Officials ‘Hunger Experience’ with Prisoners ‘Hunger Strikes’

In China, the National Grain Bureau advocated that
officials and workers in the grain industry diet and fast.
This was to participate in a 24-hour
hunger experience for World Food Day.
The director at the Hunan Grain Bureau fasted for one day,
and was given high remarks and reports in the media.
In prisons in China, however, hunger strikes are
long-lasting and heartbreaking, but are not reported.
Let’s look at why official’s fasting is treated
differently from hunger strikes in prisons.

October 16, 2012 is the 32nd World Food Day.

The National Grain Bureau advocated that officials
and workers experience hunger voluntarily,
by taking part in a 24 hour fast for World Food Day.

Media in China reported that Xia Wenxing, the
Hunan Grain Bureau director fasted for one day.
On the same day, he participated in the National Cereals
and Oils Exhibition, and the Love Food And Save Grain Week.
He refused to eat at a banquet because of his fasting.

Many people in China question
whether officials are putting on a show.
It’s better if they can make policies to restrain
squandering, and stop meals paid by public funds.
It will be truly meaningful if the
officials could be less corrupted.

Chinese human rights lawyer Li Xiangyang said that it
is just a show put on by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Li Xiangyang: “I find it ridiculous.
It can’t promote people to save food.
Their hunger experience can’t save food either.”

Jing Chu, a freelance writer in China said that during
the Great Leap Forward, over 50 million Chinese people starved to death, but this was never reported.

Jing Chu: “In (CCP) history, so many
people have starved to death in famine.
The media did not report them at all.

This is in sharp contrast to their intensive reports
on the activities for a show, which is nonsense.”

CCP state controlled People’s Daily website reported that
dinner banquets have become a normal part of life in China.
One could not secure their future career
without going to dinner banquets.
Netizens think that it is trying to look for a way
to justify Chinese officials using public funds for eating.
Ultimately, the people pay for it.

Li Xiangyang discussed that in prison in China,
some Chinese people are illegally detained by the CCP.
They protest using hunger strikes, but even without
hunger striking, their daily rations are very limited.

Ms Guo, a Falun Gong practitioner who was
detained illegally in China, discussed her detention.
She went on a hunger strike to stand up for her
belief, but the guards force-fed her twice a day.

Ms. Guo: “They asked if I would eat.
If I did not, they beat me with thick plastic pipes.
After that, they force fed me. The plastic pipe used
for force feeding is very thick, thicker than a thumb.
It was inserted through my mouth, then
I was fed salted water to make me thirsty.”

Force-feeding could suffocate one at any time.

In prisons in China, foods used in force-feeding
include corn porridge, brine, unknown drugs,
garlic water, hot chili water and mustard.

It was reported that under the CCP regime,
prison detainees were force-fed as punishment.
Some detained Falun Gong practitioners were
force-fed for three months with a tube inserted.
When the tube was taken out, it had blood on it.

The police were breaking the law, and committed
abuses of power, intentional assault and abuse of detainees.

Li Xiangyang said that the CCP’s crimes
would be condemned by the whole world.
As a responsible Chinese person, we
all should condemn the CCP’s atrocities.
