【禁闻】中共严控媒体 迫害活摘事实难调查















采访编辑/梁欣 后制/李月

CCP Strict Control of Media Made Investigation Difficult

Some media recently highlighted Bo Xilai’s “other crimes”
that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently referred to.
These relate to the brutal persecution of Falun Gong
practitioners that has taken place during Bo’s tenure.
Some analysts believe the CCP’s strict control over media
is the main reason for the delay in exposing this evil crime.

On October 7, Radio France Internationale quoted
a long editorial from France’s “China problem website.”
Observers discuss these “other crimes" listed
at the end of the CCP’s series of charges against former Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai.
It is believed that it refers to Bo Xilai’s crimes
when he served as leader in the northeast,
when Falun Gong practitioner were brutally tortured,
and organs harvested when they were alive.

The article was entitled ‘Bo Xilai:
A Deadly Blow, Political Struggle and Pitfalls’.
It stated that the CCP’s charges against Bo Xilai
are not only related to his abuse of power when he was the Party Secretary at Chongqing.

This latest news in the past few days hit mainstream media,
such as Agence France-Presse, Radio France Internationale,
and Apple Daily, with concern over Bo Xilai’s involvement
in harvesting Falun Gong practitioners’ organs.

Commentator Cao Changqing thinks reports about Bo Xilai
by CCP mouthpiece media are different from overseas reports.

Cao Changqing: “More and more overseas media report this.

The more Beijing’s media avoid reporting it,
the more overseas media will be interested.

For many years, the Falun Gong group kept highlighting
these charges against “live organ harvesting.”
Mainstream media, however, rarely reported about it.

Cao Changqing thinks the main reason is that western
media emphasizes evidence, and overseas Chinese media are closely monitored by the CCP.

Cao Changqing: “Reporters are either dismissed or revoked
of eligibility to report if their articles are critical of the CCP.
So they are very cautious. Western media focuses on facts.

If overseas reporters conduct an investigation,
they might not even be able to live in China.
Some media did not want to offend the CCP,
as they may be influenced or even bought by the CCP."

Cao Changqing also pointed out that the well-known
Beijing lawyer Gao Zhisheng is under persecution
for his high-profile condemnation and for collecting
evidence on the persecution of Falun Gong.
He is more seriously persecuted than other dissidents.
We know the most seriously persecuted group is Falun Gong.
Therefore, foreign media dare not touch this topic.

But Wang Lijun’s defection to the U.S. consulate indirectly
exposed substantial inside information on organ harvesting.

Commentator Xia Xiaoqiang: “Some the CCP officials
have also been investigating organ harvesting.
It is said that the Central Commission for Discipline
Inspection has collected a lot of facts and evidence.
After the Chongqing event, along with Bo Xilai’s
downfall, many doctors and officials who were involved in these crimes are actively exposing them.
All these put a lot of pressure on the CCP.”

Recently, the University of Minnesota was going to grant
an honorary doctor degree to China’s Minister of Health.
Twenty one internationally renowned scholars wrote
to the university, asking to change this decision.
They raised the issue of organ harvesting of prisoners
of conscience, including Falun Gong practitioners.

Xia Xiaoqing: “The CCP’s crimes of live organ harvesting
of Falun Gong practitioners is far beyond the ideology of any nation, ethnic group or political party.
It is the test and choice of whether one can adhere
to the most basic human ethics and conscience.
The attitude around the world decides the future
of human beings and the future of the world

Xia Xiaoqiang: “For high-level CCP officials, it becomes
a question of how to face Jiang Zemin, Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai’s crimes of organ harvesting.
They have surpassed political and internal struggles.

It is a test of whether one can be a human being,
as well as a choice of one’s future."

Currently the whole world is focusing on live
organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.
Xia Xiaoqiang thinks this once again proves the wide
and in-depth reports by The Epoch Times and NTD.
“The core issue of China and the CCP is Falun Gong.”

Xia Xiaoqiang said that the choice of how to handle the
Falun Gong issue correctly is the trial the CCP cannot pass.
