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The CCP Standing Committee List Is To Be Determined

The Chinese 18th Congress will be held in less than 6 weeks,
the New York Times said today that due to the continuous
infighting within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
the last of the new list of Political Bureau Standing Committee members is still undetermined.

The report said that the members of Standing Committee
are generally expected to reduce from 9 to 7.
“Xi -Li will completely replace the Hu-Wen regime."

Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang will be the Chinese President
and the Premier.
There are still variables involved with
the remaining positions.

The New York Times quoted insiders’ remarks who said
the Beidaihe meeting in August did not result in the final list.
In addition to learning about Xi and Li, Li Yuanchao
is expected to become Vice President, and Wang Qishan
and Zhang Dejiang will become the next Vice Premier
of the State Council.
There are still quite a few variables involved with the rest
of the list.
Yu Zhengsheng, Wang Yang, Zhang Gaoli, Liu Yunshan
are all possibilities.
If the Standing Committee maintains nine people,
Liu Yandong is expected to pass the bar.

Shanxi deputy department embezzles 80 billion RMB –enough to save Greece.

Wang Youming, former deputy director of the Shanxi
Provincial Department of Land, embezzled 80 billion RMB state-owned assets and has been investigated.
This news is currently circulating on microblogs
in mainland China.
The record-breaking amount of illicit money has shocked
Some said sarcastically that he alone could save Greece.

According to reports, 39 CCP cadres from Qinshui jointly
reported Wang for embezzlement of state assets over a period of ten years, which shocked the entire country.
However, not until March of 2012 did the CCP’s mouthpiece
media, People’s Daily, report it.
Shanxi authorities did not announced this earth shattering
corruption case to the outside world

Fang Danzi helped Bo Xilai to fix Xi Jinping

After Bo Xilai’s dismissal from the CCP, how the Chinese
authorities are going to cleanse his cohorts has also become a hot topic in the media.
Currently, an open letter signed by a thousand people calling
on the government to investigate and punish Fang Danzi is widely circulating online.
Many netizens requested that Bo be punished for his evil deeds.

Meanwhile, overseas Chinese media also reported
on the relationship between Fang and Bo.
It is learned that Fang was a member of Bo’s inner circle.
Fang’s main function was using anti-crime to attack
Xi Jinping and force Xi to give up succession.

It is reported that Bo praised Fang for poking into Xi’s
academic background.
It is said that this was a period of time when Xi Jinping’s
qualifications were seriously questioned overseas.

Mr. Hu Xijin will not take over “People’s Daily"

Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the Global Times, praised Bo Xilai
and provoked Xi in the past.
Hu was considered as an insider of Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang
and Zeng Qinghong’s political coup.

Overseas Chinese media reports that according to people close
to Hu Xijin, Bo had promised Hu the top spot at People’s Daily once Bo succeeded.
Hu also said that his future was brighter with Bo than with Xi.
