【禁闻】刑诉法二审完成 秘密失踪合法化












Attempts to Legalize ‘Secret Detention’: Second Version of the China Criminal Procedure Law Amendment Drafted.

There is widespread concern at the second version of China
Criminal Procedure Law Amendment.
On Dec. 26, it was handed to the National People’s Congress
Standing Committee.
Concern centers on an item that a person can be detained
without notifying family if it would “impede investigations”.
Chinese lawyers question whether this item legalizes secret

The first draft version of the Criminal Procedure Law
Amendment was completed in August 2011.
It stipulates; “Except when a suspects family can’t be
informed, or suspects are held on suspicion of
“endangering state security” or “terrorism", or it will impede
investigations, family should be notified within 24 hours.
This notification will include the reason of surveillance and the
location of surveillance.

The second version of 26th December has slight adjustments,
but most of the draft is retained.

Adjustments add “Once the investigation is not impeded,
authorities should notify family immediately.”
However, the ruling remains that if “notice impedes the
investigation”, the family will not be notified.
This shows that if police consider it a possibility that the
“investigation will be impeded”, family will not be notified.
This allows police to directly detain and arrest suspects.

Beijing Lawyer Li Jinglin said, secret arrest isn’t stipulated in
Criminal Procedure Law.
The draft does not have a related measure to protect illegal
arrest by authorities.

Li Jinglin: “The key now is how to pursue accountability.

According to the current system, it’s clear that nobody can
pursuit accountability for authorities if they violate the law.
If the official has enough power, he/she can do whatever
he/she wants, because there is no restriction.”

Lawyer Tang Jitian also commented that in principle,
the law in China is a tool for the government to rule.
Therefore, protecting human rights isn’t the priority while
the government is making amendments to the law.

Tang Jitian: “The adjustment focuses more on the technical,
but there is little progress in it’s concepts.
The Criminal Procedure Law Amendment can’t solve torture.

Under the situation that the police make the decision, the
Criminal Procedure Law can’t change issues fundamentally.”

In fact, people are most worried about secret detention.

The Criminal Procedure Law Amendment stipulates:
“After arrest, authorities should detain suspects immediately.
Except when notification can’t be achieved, authorities should
notify the family of time and location within 24 hours.”

The second version retains the situation “can’t be notified”.

Lawyers highlight that there is no clear definition what
situation means “can’t be notified”.
There’s trickery hidden between the lines, there’s no public
oversight to balance the power.
The authorities can use the amendment legally against
citizens once it is passed.

NTD Reporters: Dai Jing, Huang Rong and Xue Li
