【禁闻】限粤语广播 恐再煽“撑粤语”怒火




广东自由撰稿人天理:“ 身为广东人啊,我们讲的是标准的粤语,当局这样做,根本就是把地方的文化给抹杀掉,这个政策如果一出台,肯定遭到全广东人的反对,因为像我们这样,出去用普通话讲可以,但是在地方肯定是讲白话,他这种不顾民意的要求所谓的强行命令,根本就不得人心,让他们更快的倒台。”




广东自由撰稿人天理:“ 地方的文化他是根本就抹杀不了的,所以他这样推来推去,搞来搞去只能搞得自己焦头烂额,官方的目地就是搞什么文化,乱七八糟,只不过是一党独裁的文化,根本对老百姓根本不起作用,现在老百姓对它们丧失信心。”

网民狂批中共不给地方文化留生路。@ wenyunchao 留言说,这个政权存在的目地看来就是制造敌人,“撑粤语”再起。

Jason Ng 表示,广东就应该独立,现在文化侵略者要准备将粤语也消灭了。

@Benfilm63 发帖说,中共政权是怕香港的粤语政治文化影响,会让广东成为一个大香港。可另一面,中共又在温水煮青蛙改变香港政治,难道这算是双管齐下?


广东自由撰稿人天理:“ 现在乌坎那边已经热火朝天,如果当局要来禁粤语的话,我相信比上次广东的禁粤语的那个运动来的更大,更强烈,他(当局)是得不偿失。 ”




Cantonese Broadcasting Restricted

Guangdong provincial government has issued
new broadcasting language regulations.
Starting from March 1, 2012, the province’s radio programs,
civil service and collective activities must adopt the Mandarin;
firms, trade names and signs can not use traditional characters,
otherwise they will be subjected to administrative penalties.
The Chaoshan dialect would probably not be exempted.
Guangdong people rebounded greatly.
Analysts think suppressing dialects by the official language
may reignite last year ‘s anger on ‘upholding Cantonese.’

The Guangdong provincial government has announced
that from March 1, 2012,
radios, television stations and online programs
must use Mandarin.
Those using dialects for broadcasting must be first approved
by central or provincial radio, film and television department, otherwise they will be penalized.

Guangzhou Southern Television’ well-known host, Pengpeng,
left online messages on December 17, in support of Cantonese.
Yu Xiaofei, a Buddhist culture expert, calls for people to make
effort to protect dialects, as the authorities promote Mandarin.

Tian Li (Guangdong freelancer): “As Cantonese, we speak
standard Cantonese. What the authorities do is to simply rub away out local culture.
Once the policy is introduced, it would cause opposition
from the whole of Guangdong province.
We can speak Mandarin outside,
but will certainly speak Cantonese locally.
Their requirements are against people ‘s will,
and simply unpopular. They will fall down faster this way."

Lin Sun is an Assistant professor in Chinese at the Translation
and Linguistics Department in City University of Hong Kong.
Lin pointed out that Cantonese is widely accepted
in the Guangdong region.
The Cantonese television channels are relatively more
watched, thus affecting the official channel viewing.
The authorities may therefore
try to completely suppress the Cantonese language.

Yuan Weishi, philosophy professor at Zhongshan University
in Guangzhou, said the provision was too bureaucratic.
Last year’s “support Cantonese" event has just subsided,
and now the authorities introduce such a provision.
This is very foolish, as it will most likely cause
a lot of public resentment.

Last year, the Guangzhou Administration proposed a ban
on broadcasting in Cantonese.
This has triggered waves of demonstrations
in Guangdong and Hong Kong.

Tian Li: “Local culture simply can not be eliminated,
so the authorities can only put themselves in a mess.
Their purpose is to promote the so called culture,
which is just the one-party dictatorship culture.
It simply did not work for people,
and now people lose faith in them."

Netizens criticized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
not leaving a way for local cultures.
@ Wenyunchao left a message that the regime seems to exist
to create enemies, thus “uphold Cantonese" events start again.

Jason Ng said that Guangdong should be independent,
now the aggressor even prepares to eliminate Cantonese.

“@ Benfilm63 4h” posting said, the Chinese communist regime
is afraid of the political and cultural influence of Cantonese,
which can make Guangdong another Hong Kong.

On the other hand, in Hong Kong CCP has boiling a frog like,
transforming policies. Isn ‘t this a two-pronged approach?

Some users call for a new round of “uphold Cantonese,"
and “swear to defend Cantonese" actions.
Netizens announced on Twitter of ‘upholding Cantonese’
activities in both Guangzhou and Shenzhen, on the afternoon of December 18.

Tian Li: “In Wukan, now this is in full swing.

If the authorities ban the Cantonese, I believe it will cause
bigger and stronger movement than the last one in Guangdong.
The loss outweighs the gain for the authorities."

When Cantonese restrictions were announced, Xinhua posted
an article of former president Jiang Zemin on December 17.
The article emphasizes that the leading CCP cadres
must strive to learn foreign languages.

Tian Li said, Chinese officials learn foreign languages well,
in order to help them flee abroad.
In addition, Chinese officials were driven
away from Wukan village.
Without the CCP, Chinese people will have
greater freedom and happiness.

NTD reporters Chen Zishan, Xu Wen and GeLei
