
【新唐人2011年10月25日讯】大陆网上最近广传一幅漫画,漫画中,中共“防火墙之父”方滨兴坐在马桶上,却发现厕所卫生纸滚轴盖上出现了“404 error”的字样。漫画引来不少网友的搞笑回应。《蟹农场》这个漫画网站因此吸引众多网友们的关注。

这幅漫画下面的说明文字写着“方校长遇到了神秘的404问题……”,方校长是指北京邮电大学校长方滨兴。而“404 error”,意指网民想登上的网站已经被中共的防火墙封锁。作者还在漫画上风趣的写上“请抄送方滨兴”。



刘逸明:“方滨兴是很多人都很痛恨的所谓的网路方面的专家,现在很多人不能够自由的登陆海外网站,所以就会经常拿他来作为话题戏弄、恶搞。 等到以后中国走向自由民主的那一天,当历史来记载方滨兴这个人的时候,他肯定是以历史罪人的形象出现的。”





有网友看完《蟹农场》的漫画后说:“好沉重!好荒诞!” 但更多的是赞赏漫画的精彩。有网友感叹“漫画的荒诞精彩恰恰来源于现实的黑暗。”




《蟹农场》最新的一幅漫画是在北京天安门的城楼中央,酷似毛泽东的人头像,被戴上了一副防毒面具,上面写着“要坚决防止精神污染”。而上一幅画面则是在已死去的利比亚独裁统治者卡扎菲的人头像上,打了一个交叉,漫画说明是“Who is the next!”,就是“谁是下一个!”


Hexie Farm Comic Mocks Fang Binxing


Recently, the cartoon, Father of the Great Firewall of China
has been spreading widely on the Chinese Internet.
The cartoon portrays Fang Binxing sitting on a toilet
with a toilet paper dispenser showing a ‘404 Error’ message.
After a series of humorous reply posts, the comic-based website
Hexie Farm, became the center of attention.

The caption of this cartoon drawing is, “Professor Fang met a
mysterious 404 problem.”
‘Mr. Fang’ refers to Fang Binxing, the current president
of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
The ‘404 Error’ refers to the error netizens see when trying
to visit websites censored by the Chinese regime’s firewall.
The author wrote, “Please pass this drawing on to Fang Binxing.”

This comic drawing attracted lots of attention from netizens.

A blogger wrote, “If President Fang meets with a 404 problem
in the bathroom, he needs to ask for help by posting on a micro-blog, ‘What will happen next?’”
Answer: “This bathroom will be strictly censored in 20 minutes.”

Reporter Liu Yiming of the Wuhan magazine:
“China is single party dictatorship,
Fang Binxing will definitely be utilized to the maximum
by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”

Liu Yiming, “Fang Binxing is a network expert who’s hated by
lots of people because many people can’t freely
visit foreign websites, so they mock or make fun of him.
When China becomes a democratic nation
and history examines Fang, he will be viewed as a criminal.”

Mainland netizens say that since they lack a stable,
open discussion platform in China to vent their views and grievances, the only way for them to do so is to break through the firewall.’

Mainland netizens wrote, “’To break through the firewall
is getting more difficult
these days after China’s Internet firewall has been upgraded.
However, our ‘tunneling buddies’ will persist and continue
their efforts to provide technical feedback.
We haven’t lost any passion for ‘flipping’ over this firewall.”

The comic was drawn by renowned Internet cartoonist,
“Crazy Crab.”
According to his intro, Hexie Farm is a political satire comic book
series that records the “great, honorable, always right” and “peaceful” era.
There is only one ruling party on the farm,
and the characters there act out bloody and absurd tragicomedy, everyday.

Liu Yiming, “I think this comic is obviously criticizing the
CCP and revealing the dark side of Chinese society.
Why is he only expressing these emotions through his comics?
Because there is no freedom of press or freedom of speech.

If we lived in a democratic society,
I don’t think this comic would be necessary.”

After reading the comics on Hexie Farm, a netizen wrote,
“So sad! So absurd!” while others praised the comics as being “very good.”
Another netizen wrote, “The absurd nature of this comic is so good,
because it exemplifies the dark side of China’s modern society.”

Mainland netizen, “The CCP’s corruption is ever increasing.

Saying one thing and doing the opposite
has caused citizens to lose trust in the CCP.”

Radio France reported that the Hong Kong iSun Affairs
, the digital magazine ,published the Hexie Farm comics,
but was censored by the CCP after only two issues.Currently,
the magazine can only be read through Android
and iPhone systems.

Liu Yiming, “I took a look at the iSun Affairs and noticed
that the articles were very good, revealing the dark side of society and criticizing the CCP regime, which is why it was censored.
In China today, anything praising the Party can be posted,
but if you point out problems with the CCP, you will be censored.”

The newest cartoon on Hexie Farm is a picture of Mao with a
gas mask and a slogan on top, “Must Prevent Ideological Contamination.”
Then below it is the picture of former Libyan dictator,
Gaddafi with a X across his face. The caption reads, “WHO is next!”

NTD reporters Yi Ru, Wang Ziqi and Bo Ni
