波士頓市議員費連Ed Flynn祝新年快樂

【新唐人2018年12月24日訊】波士頓市議員(費連)Ed Flynn:「在我們慶賀2019新年豬年之際,我祝每個人新年快樂、健康!我的兒子Stephen是約賽亞昆士學校的學生,正在學廣州話,他希望我祝福大家 恭喜發財!」

「I represent Chinatown, South Boston and South End. I am proud to represent Chinatown. I am proud to represent our immigrant community. The Chinese and Chinese Americans have contributed so much to our city and to our country. And as we celebrate a New Year, 2019, the Year of the Pig, I want to wish everybody a happy and healthy new year. My son Stephen is a student at Josiah Quincy School, and studying Cantonese. And he wanted me to wish everybody 恭喜發財。」
