【禁聞】百度解禁「江澤民 摘器官」

【新唐人2014年09月02日訊】 京官赴港講政改方案 場內外招抗議




百度解禁「江澤民 摘器官」


據大陸網友在微博分享的圖片顯示,9月1號,在《百度圖片網》搜索關鍵詞「江澤民 摘器官」,出現的第一張圖片就是「阿根廷下令拘捕江澤民」,還有「揭開活摘器官黑幕」、「劊子手」等圖片。







Beijing Officials Moved To Hong Kong To Talk Political Reform

The voice against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
from Hong Kong society continues to grow louder after
the announcement of the Hong Kong Chief Executive
election resolution.
On Sept. 1, Li Fei, Deputy Secretary-General of the National
People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee,
who made a special trip to Hong Kong to explain
the so-called universal suffrage, met with strong objection
at a press conference, which was held at an Asia Expo
in the Hong Kong airport.

A Hong Kong South China Morning Post report said that
a Hong Kong pan-democratic legislator protested loudly.
Legislators including Leung Kwok-hung shouted,
“dishonest central, shameful central, deprivation
of universal suffrage” while wearing a T-shirt printed
with “citizen nomination” and “Occupy Central.”
They also pulled out a banner, “against central dishonesty
and shameful deprivation of democracy” on speech stage.
Li Fei’s presentation was interrupted.

The report said that the demonstrators outside the venue
were sprayed with pepper by the police.

Baidu Lifts The Search Ban For Jiang Zemin And Organ Harvesting

On Aug. 30, Japan’s Tokyo Shimbun released news of Jiang
Zemin’s critical condition and hospitalization due
to worsening bladder cancer.

The Mainland’s largest search engine, Baidu, lifted the ban
of Jiang Zemin’s persecution on Falun Gong practitioners.

According to pictures uploaded by mainland netizens
on microblogs, if the keyword “Jiang Zemin, Organ
Harvesting” is inputted into the Baidu Image website,
the first picture that pulls up is Argentina’s order
for the arrest of Jiang Zemin, as well as “expose
live organ harvesting," “hangman" and other pictures.

However, the related micro-Blog has been deleted
by the Sina website.
Only some remain on free overseas microblog websites.

Former Bank Employees Protest: Naked Women Beaten By Police

On Aug. 28, two naked ladies protested at the Bank of China
headquarters at Beijing Xidan.

According to the U.S. Epoch Times News of Sept. 1,
the protesters are former buyout employees
51-year-old Li Mingli and her 76-year-old aunt
from Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province.
The report said they protested naked at the office lobby
of the Bank of China with the banner “buyout employee
were beaten by the police.”

More than twenty police and security officers
pulled them out of the hall.

It’s said that Li Mingli requested that the treatment problem
be solved at the bank headquarters.
She was dragged into a small room, had her freedom
restricted on Aug. 11, and she was beaten to injury.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
