【禁聞】台灣公民力量崛起 中共始料不及

















採訪編輯/易如 後製/李勇

Will Policies Changes as Zhang Zhijun Encounters Protests
During His Visit to Taiwan.

Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Taiwan Affairs Office
Director Zhang Zhijun,returned to Beijing during the evening of June 28,
cutting short his visit to Taiwan.

During the visit, Zhang Zhijun suffered “haunting" protests
wherever he went.
With protesters splashing his vehicle with white paint.

Commentators have pointed out, the rise in protests from
the Taiwanese community towards CCP,
is on the increase.

Such a major change will force the CCP to change its policy
towards Taiwan and re-deploy strategies.

Taiwan’s counterparts canceled three official activities
planned for Zhang Zhijun.

The delegation led by Zhang , arrived at Taiwan Taoyuan
International Airport for departure, three hours early.

The evening of June 27, Zhang Zhijun was interviewed
with Mainland Affairs Council chairman Wang Yu-chi,

at the stronghold of Taiwan’s opposition the “Democratic
Progressive Party"(DPP) in Kaosiung.

Prior to this, Zhang Zhijun faced fierce protests
from Taiwanese people and other community organisations.

The protesters chanted “Taiwan, China is on two sides",
“Zhang Zhijun go home" and other such slogans.

Along with these conflicts s, some demonstrators splashed white paint
upon Zhang Zhijun’s vehicle.

Exiled Chinese writer and jurist Yuan Hongbing:
“Zhang Zhijun represents the power and the tyranny
of CCP to visit Taiwan, and he is a messenger of CCP.
Taiwanese people have begun to realise, the ultimate goal
behind CCP’s United Front conspiracy,
is to kill Taiwan’s Nation de Facto of independence,
and then take control over Taiwan. “

Dong Liwen is an associate professor of Public Safety
Department of Taiwan Police University.

He says: " Due to CCP’s aggressive attack
and intimidation upon Taiwan,
the people choose this opportune moment,
during Zhang’s visit,to fully express their discontent towards CCP, this also
extends in to the realms of the sovereignty."

Yuan Hongbing said, on June 10, CCP published a White
Paper on Hong Kong (one country, two systems),
demonstrating its retroaction, untrustworthiness and
non-compliance with national commitments in Hong Kong.

Hence this has triggered an awakening in the
minds of the people of Taiwan.

When Taiwan’s DPP Kaohsiung’s Mayor Chen Chu
visited Tianjin City and Hebei Province last August,
Zhang Zhijun arranged an exclusive trip from Beijing
to Tianjin, to meet with Chen Chu.

When he met Chen on June 27 in a second meeting,
he was willing to listen to the voice of all walks of life,
and was wanting to shorten the so-called
“psychological distances" of the cross-strait exchanges.

He also expressed the willingness to respect Taiwan people’s
own choice of social system, values and lifestyle.

Taiwan’s I-Shou University has been enrolled with a large
number of students from Mainland China.

During his visit to the University, Zhang Zhijun told
the faculty and students,
the service industry in Mainland China is now developing rapidly,
that he hopes this opportunity will be the first to share with
Taiwanese compatriots,without the purpose of acquiring Taiwan’s economy.

Dong Liwen believes Zhang Zhijun has an ulterior motive
behind his words.

That it is more to do with a publicity stunt all
for the united front, shaping a political image.

However,"intending to acquire Taiwan," is the main factor
behind the “psychological distance" between the two sides
across the strait.

Yuan Hongbing said, Taiwan’s political system is
“freedom and democracy."

Whereas, the Chinese system is one of “totalitarian autocracy".
Both of them are like fire and water, completely incompatible.

Zhang Zhijun neither acknowledged the existence
of Taiwan’s “Republic of China" as an independent policy,

nor did he respect Taiwan for its history. Therefore he will
not respect the choice of the people of Taiwan.

Chairman of the “Taiwan Solidarity Union Party"
Huang Kun-hui,also told the media that in the past 10 years,
the CCP unabated on military deployment against Taiwan.

The CCP simply shows a smiling face to Taiwan in one hand,
whilst expanding arms to Taiwan in the other hand.

Dong Liwen: “In order to ease the current situation,
it (CCP) is not just with two-pronged strategies,it’s actually a three-hand strategy with one hard,
one soft and one in the dark, which is the penetration
into Taiwan."

Yuan Hongbing said, CCP has contained and attacked Taiwan
from virtually every aspect of political, economic,
cultural and military angles.

Yuan Hongbing: “CCP does not allow any valuable economies
to sign bilateral free trade agreements with Taiwan,
nor does it allow Taiwan to join a free trade zone.
The CCP’s aim is to internationally build a siege, the
equivalent of a Berlin Wall to Taiwan’s economy,
thus starving Taiwan."

Yuan Hongbing also pointed out that the civic forces
in Taiwan’s society,
played a dominant role in objection and protest to Zhang
Zhijun’s visit,which is a significant and unexpected change for CCP.

He said, that the rise of power of Taiwan citizens,
will drive the CCP to determine the new situation
in the Taiwan policy,

making for a new strategic plan on Taiwan.

Interview & Edit/YiRu Post-Production/LiYong
