【禁聞】北京首發白皮書 港人指威脅爭普選

【新唐人2014年06月11日訊】北京首發白皮書 港人指威脅爭普選





「香港大學法學院」副教授戴耀廷也表示,中共的這份白皮書,就是針對「6.22 」全民投票和 「7.1」 遊行的輿論打壓。






代理法輪功案遭打壓 律師絕食抗議




Beijing’s First White Paper Threatens the Executive Election.

On 20-22 June, Hong Kong protest groups will hold an
unofficial “referendum” on reform proposals.

This will be followed with the annual July 1 holiday rally on
the anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong to China.

The State Council of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
released a strongly worded white paper about the practice of
one country, two systems on June 10th claiming the CCP holds
“comprehensive jurisdiction" over Hong Kong

The timing and tone of the white paper implies the CCP is
applying political pressure ahead of the executive election,

Worldwide media reports show that the white paper triggered
reactions from Hong Kong and elsewhere.

Hong Kong barrister Alan believes that the white paper
ignores the fundamentals in the 1990 Basic Law.

If the white paper was issued when the Basic Law transferred
over Hong Kong sovereignty things would have been messy.

Alan said the Basic Law clearly states, the CCP should not
intervene in Hong Kong’s internal autonomous matters.

The Chairman of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of
Patriotic Democratic Movements in China (the Alliance)
Lee Cheuk-yan said, the CCP has taken off the mask to
inhibit the Hong Kong Peoples’ free will on the election.

Hong Kong University Law School Associate Professor
Benny Tai feels the CCP white paper is opinion suppression.

The US Exposes Another CCP Hacker Group.

On June 9, a network security company working with the US
government released a report on a hack attack from China.

According to The New York Times, CrowdStrike, a Californian
company exposed Chinese military Unit 61486 in Shanghai.

This Unit was implementing network attacks since 2007.

Unit 61486 was after European, US and Japanese official
entities, military and research firms in space and satellite.

It appears that the hacker’s approach is to deploy custom
malware by targeted email attacks.

Just recently the US accused five members of the CCP unit
61398 of hacking companies for Chinese commercial interest .

Lawyers of Falun Gong on Hunger Strike Protest Suppression.

Wuhan human rights lawyer Zhang Keke had his lawyer
registration suspended for working on Falun Gong cases.

On June 10, Zhang Keke started a hunger strike.


According to RFA, Zhang Keke said the decision by Wuhan
Lawyers Association might come from the Justice Bureau.

Zhang Keke criticized how officials abused laws, suppressing
human right lawyers by using the assessment system.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
