【禁聞】黨媒大報劉漢案 打虎號角吹起?

【新唐人2014年05月24日訊】黨媒大報劉漢案 打虎號角吹起?



傳新疆又驚爆 三城戒嚴裝甲車出動












Chinese News Devoted to The Ambrose Case, An Unexpected

Sichuan businessman Ambrose was sentenced to death
on May 23.
It is surprising that all Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
media mouthpieces have reported it heavily.

There is a close relationship between Ambrose and former
Secretary of the Central Political and Legislative Committee,
Zhou Yongkang’s son Zhou Bin.
The verdict explicitly mentioned Ambrose’s domination
utilized the cover-up and connivance from state employees
Ambrose’s protective shield has gone and the end is in sight
for Zhou Yongkang set up by the CCP.

Xinjiang Bombing Happened Again

Following the Urumqi explosion on May 22, Xinjiang
Atushi heard some unexpected noise on May 23.

Hong Kong Commercial Radio quoted China Human
Rights and Democracy Information Center report.
The noise might be an explosion because a large number
of armored vehicles and police cars rapidly deployed.
It was not confirmed by the local police.

The report said the three cities including Kashi, Aksu
and Hotan had curfews imposed with a large number
of military vehicles and armed police on alert.

Vietnamese Lady Self-Immolated as Protest Against
China Drilling in South China Sea

In Vietnam, a 67-year-old Vietnamese woman burnt
herself in Ho Chi Minh City on May 23 against the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) drilling rig set up
in the disputed South China Sea.
Vietnam official media reported that local officials said
the woman’s banners were “Against China in Vietnamese
waters" and “I will bless the Vietnam Marine Police".

A week ago, the CCP set up a deep-sea drilling platform
in disputed waters 150 nautical miles from Vietnam.
This triggered massive anti-China protests in a Vietnam
industrial park, resulting in many deaths.

Beijing Reporter Gao Yu’s Son Released

Continental senior media person Zhao Meng, Gao Yu’s
son was released on May 23.
Zhao Meng and his mother Gao Yu lost contact from
with each other when they went out on April 24.
The CCP officially confirmed Gao Yu was held on suspicion
of providing state secrets to foreign institutions on May 8
without disclosing Zhao Meng’s whereabouts.

Deutsche Welle reported that on May 23, Gao Yu’s
attorney Zhang Sizhi said Gao Yu’s brother got notice
to go to somewhere and pick up Zhao Meng.
Zhang Sizhi said Gao Yu is held in the first Beijing
Detention Center and not able to meet a lawyer.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
