【禁聞】增2千持槍警守北京街頭 誰是敵人?














採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/鍾元

2000 Additional Armed Police on Beijing Streets: Who is the Enemy?

From May 12, 150 armed vehicles and 2,000 additional
armed police began to patrol the Beijing streets.
Whom will they target?
Let’s have a look.

From 9 a.m. on May 12, the Beijing streets
have been patrolled by 150 armed vehicles.
According to the report, these armed vehicles
will remain on the streets in the future.

Nine policemen and four auxiliary officers
are assigned to one vehicle, and they have all been directly
dispatched by Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau
and its District Branch Bureaus.

Each patrolling vehicle is in charge of a road section
of no more than three kilometres (1.86 miles)
and after receiving a request call, must arrive
at an incident site in three minutes or less.

These additional 2,000 armed police will be responsible
for relevant so-called gun and bomb incidents,
as well as mass violence and violent terrorism incidents
rather than general public disorder cases, conflict, help, etc.

The aim of these permanent armed vehicles
is to consolidate, control and guard the streets.

Mainland Human Rights Campaign founder Mr Hu Jun:
“During the past more than 60 years of Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) rule, each of us living in Mainland has relatives
or family members who have lost lives during
the CCP’s persecution.
The appeals and complaints by the people have been
widely disseminated on the Internet,
forming a very powerful force.
This puts the CCP in a panic.
So we can see more and more police
on the streets as arranged by the CCP.
This is also a prelude to the end of the CCP."

Political professor Xia Ming of the City University
of New York in US: “The CCP learned a lesson
from the Soviet Union’s collapse.
The historic experience in 1989 also tells the CCP
that only when heavy attack, ruthless oppression
without mercy, and bloody suppression of the people
are executed, will the CCP regime be able to be maintained.
So the CCP would rather create
bloody incidents nationwide."

Recently, the CCP authorities suppressed Tibetan monks,
arrested the Uygur people, forcibly demolished a church
in Zheijiang, induced consecutive terrorism incidents
at railway stations, cracked down on local Hangzhou
residents who opposed the development of the garbage
incineration plant, causing bloodshed, and caught
and confined outspoken citizens.

All of these incidents blew a murderous wind across
the entire country.

Professor Xia Ming says that along with the impending
6.4 event, democrats who are in exile overseas due
to the Tiananmen Massacre are launching a campaign
called “Returning Tiananmen".
This makes the CCP more upset and nervous.

Xiaming: “Deng Xiaoping controlled 10 million people
with his ten fingers, but now the CCP controls
1 billion people with 10 fingers.
Under such a situation, the CCP must catch this one
and lose another, and the crisis will inevitably break out.
Of course it is hard to predict when such a crisis will
have a destructive impact on the CCP.
If the CCP were to collapse tomorrow, with its corruption,
cruelty, incompetence and inhumanity, I won’t feel strange."

The CCP is beset with troubles at home
and abroad.
The South China Sea disputes have escalated,
the Philippines brought Chinese citizens to trial, and Vietnam
and Japan continue to voice disapproval of China.

On the other hand, the domestic economy situation
increasingly worsens, the real estate bubble is facing
its burst , the domestic demand is weak,
commodity prices have increased, and exports have declined.

Some commenters believe the CCP has begun
to lose the so-called high rate of economic growth
which it used for justify the CCP’s legitimacy
of taking the power.

Xia Ming: “The CCP government now faces the scissors
crisis— economic growth is at the end, but the CCP’s
administrative costs are still increasing, which are used
to enforce violence, which produces more resistance.
More resources are needed to oppress the resistance
of the people.
So the CCP has been trapped in an unescapable
and increasing burden,
which will cause a fundamental paralysis
to the administration operation."

Xia Ming believes the CCP’s exspenditure of huge resources
in carrying out the nationwide military control
and declaring the combat readiness status,
will meet with more resistance from the people.
This will trap the CCP in a vicious circle of panic.

Hu Jun: “The people’s psychology has changed,
those persons who work for the CCP within the regime
have also changed their mind.
The changes of disintegrating the CCP will be very huge.
Those persons who work for the CCP within the regime
realize the danger more and more,
and their fears are escalating.
So the only way of getting rid of the fear
is to eliminate the CCP,
and just like the quit the CCP’s Youth League
and the CCP’s Young Pioneer Group movement, those
persons working for the CCP are also quitting the regime.
At this time, the CCP is really in a panic."

Hu Jun says that along with the collapse of Li Dongsheng
and Zhou Yongkang, the criminals persecuting Falun Gong,
many people have grown aware of the fact that everyone
is a victim of the CCP regime.

Interview & Edit/Liu Hui Post-Production/Zhong Yuan
