【禁聞】律師遭拘留 公民聲援團抵東北












採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/孫寧

Hundreds of Chinese Pay Solidarity Visit to Four Illegally
Detained Lawyers

Two days ago, four lawyers were arrested during their visit to
Jiamusi in Heilongjiang to demand the release of illegally detained victims.
They also visited the local procuratorate to file a lawsuit
against the black jail for detaining the law-abiding citizens.
A team of Chinese human rights lawyers issued a solemn
statement, demanding the release of the lawyers and banning of black jails.
Nearly 100 Chinese citizens are also on their way to Jiamusi to
show solidarity for the detained lawyers.
Other lawyers have also initiated Internet flash mob activities
and called for more people to participate through the Internet to show support for the illegally detained citizens and lawyers.

Attorneys Tang Jitian, Jiang Tianyong, Zhang Junjie, and
Wang Cheng were hired by relatives of the Falun Gong practitioners illegally detained in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang.
On March 20, the four lawyers went to Jiamusi with the victims’
relatives to demand their release.
They also filed a lawsuit at the local procuratorate about the
illegal activities of the extrajudicial detention center, the so-called legal education base.
On their way back to the hotel, they were followed by an
unmarked vehicle.

The Chinese human rights lawyer team made up of about 100
lawyers issued a solemn statement condemning the situaiton
and demanding the authorities stop using power to defeat and
retaliate on lawyers.
They called on the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the
Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Procuratorate to investigate, to ban the legal education bases, known as black jails.
They want those who abuse their authority to illegally detain
innocent citizens held accountable for their criminal actions.

Beijing lawyer Teng Biao used Twitter to initiate flash mob
activities to rescue the four attorneys who have for many years
risked their lives to fight for freedom of rights of the Chinese
He suggested to issue information of the jailed attorneys and the
black jail on a set time with a unified subject.
He also suggested more citizens, especially people near the
black jail to walk around the building.

Liang Xiaojun, Beijing lawyer: “More and more lawyers have
formed a consensus.
It used to be that an individual lawyer would come out to
defend civil rights.
They have now awakened that it has to be a team effort.
Otherwise, they will face a dead end and suppression."

In addition, the newly established civic solidarity group is also
on their way to Heilongjiang.
Activist Liu Shasha revealed on Twitter that about 21,000
yuan has been donated to aid the solidarity group and about
20 citizens have arrived Jiansanjiang, where the black jail in
Jiamusi is located.

Xia Ming, Political Science Professor at the City University of
New York: “Over 10 years ago when I visited China, I was told
by a police station Commissioner that local people always
actively cooperated with the specific tasks of the police.
However, during their task in targeting Falun Gong,
none of the people would come out and work with them."

Professor Xia Ming indicates that that the traditional morality
honored by the Falun Gong practitioners has set a big challenge for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Meanwhile, the values of Falun Gong has caused resonance
among people, who realized the well-beings of Falun Gong are closely linked to their own.

Zhang Erping, Falun Gong spokesperson: “The persecution of
Falun Gong is in fact persecuting the baseline of morality.
Falun Gong represents the most fundamental interests of the
Chinese people.
Think about it, when good people in this society are being
persecuted, when people believe in Truthfulness, Compassion,
and Tolerance are being persecuted, that means the false and
bad are tyrannizing the society."

It is currently confirmed that Tang Jitian and Jiang Tianyong
were detained on the charge of endangering society with a cult organization.
The Public Security Bureau claimed that two other lawyers
were charged with different excuses.
Beijing lawyer Hu Guiyun revealed that they are ready to fight
for justice for the four lawyers, awaiting for their families’ to get power of attorney.

Xia Ming indicates that, historically, lawyers play a pioneering
Mahatma Gandhi, for instance, was a lawyer who led the
India’s independence movement against colonialism to promote the democratic process.
Jawaharlal Nehru, another leader of India’s independence
movement, was a lawyer’s father.
In the United States, lawyers have played a significant role in
fighting racial discrimination, and promoting rights for women and the handicapped.

Interview & Edit/Liuhui Post-Production/Shunlin
