【禁聞】人民幣跨過重要紅線 中國經濟嚴峻




名為「目標可贖回遠期合約(target-redemption forwards)」的衍生品,能在人民幣不大幅走貶的情況下,給持有人帶來穩定收入。








香港「大和資本市場(Daiwa Capital Markets)」公司日前發佈研究報告宣稱,隨著「美聯儲」縮減量化寬鬆,加上信貸風險上升,未來將引發大批資金從中國出逃,從現在起到明年年底,人民幣預計將貶值10%。


實際上,當前的人民幣劇烈波動對中國經濟產生了巨大影響:2月份北京樓市的成交量是近6年來的最低值,而浙江寧波地產企業「興潤置業投資有限公司(Zhejiang Xingrun Real Estate Co.)」,最近因房價下跌導致資金鏈斷裂,面臨破產。





採訪/易如 編輯/宋風 後製/舒燦

Where Is China Going after RMB Hits “Red Line” For Losses?

Since mid-February, the RMB has experienced a steady and
rapid depreciation by more than 3%,
exceeding the total appreciation over last year.
The devaluation has consequently caused the outflow
of hot money, a decline in economic growth,
and dropping of real estate.
How will the Communist regime face the economic crisis?
Please follow our report.

The RMB fell the lowest
from March last year to 6.2255 per dollar.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that with the RMB
now crossing the 6.20-per-dollar threshold,
“Market players have warned that breaching that level
would trigger collateral calls on investment products that could unleash even more instability in the currency.”

The leveraged contracts such as target-redemption forwards
are structured to pay out monthly if the yuan has passed a specific threshold against the dollar.

One of the world’s largest and most influential financial
services institutions “Morgan Stanley" estimate,
since last year, Chinese investors bought $ 350 billion of
such offshore forward contracts,
" downside protection " are situated in close to 6.20 , now
with the devaluation of the RMB has lost $ 3.5 billion.
If the yuan continues to depreciate, then
the loss to investors will continue to increase.

China state-run media says that the RMB devaluation will
accelerate the bankruptcy of the rich.
Tycoons who are doing business in the popular trade sectors,
such as copper, iron ore, soybeans, palm oil, rubber, zinc,
aluminum, gold and nickel, will be affected.

Xie Tian, Professor of University of South Carolina Aiken
suggests that RMB depreciation of 3% is under the acceptance
range of Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Because the CCP can use methods of selling dollars to appreciate RMB.
However, will the CCP carry on selling dollars if the yuan
continues to depreciate?

Xie Tian: “The major factors causing RMB depreciation are:
China’s foreign trade isn’t strong enough, it started declining;
The possiblity is that hot money repeatedly outflows.”

The data shows that in February, China’s exportation,
consumption, and investment were not as good as expected.

In February, China’s total exports are US$114 billion,
which dropped 18.1% year-on-year.
The imports value is US$137 billion in total,
which increased 10.1% year-on-year.
A trade surplus reached $22.99 billion, which
becomes the biggest trade deficit.
In addition, the national consumption goods retail sales
increased 11.8%, the fixed-asset investment increased 17.9%
year-on-year, these fell to the lowest since 2013.

China’s central bank released data on March 18 shows
that in February the funds outstanding for foreign exchange
rose by 128.2 billion yuan ($20.75 billion),
however, in the past four months, foreign reserves have
increased 390 billion yuan.
This shows that a lot of hot money out flowed in February.

Daiwa Capital Markets’ report says that as US stimulus cuts
and heightened credit risks, many funds will flow out of China,
RMB will lose 10% by the end of next year.

Xie Tian: “If RMB continuously depreciates, hot money
outflows and economic growth rapidly declines,
it is likely to lower the deposit reserve ratio and interest rate,
easing credit by other methods, ie printing more money.”

Actually, the current volatility of RMB has a huge impact
on China’s economy.
In February, Beijing house sales reached their
lowest for the past six years.
Zhejiang Xingrun Real Estate has faced bankruptcy because
housing prices dropped leading to fund chain breaking.

WSJ points out that fears have raised about
a housing bubble burst getting closer.

Data shows that in 2013, property takes up 16% of GDP,
accounts for 26% of new loads,
the Chinese regime contributed 39% of revenue.

If the real estate slows down sharply,
then where is China’s economy growth point?

Xie Tian says that facing a serious economic crisis,
the CCP only can go back to the inflation path where
Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao had been.
In other words, the CCP creates inflation to
transfer the crisis onto the Chinese people.
This method is the only path, it is often used by the CCP.

Interview/Yiru Edit/Shongfeng Post-Production/Shucan
