【禁聞】胡佳繼續被軟禁 年後恐再被傳喚














採訪/田淨 編輯/常春 後製/孫寧

Hu Jia Under House Arrest, Threat of Summons After Chinese New Year

During the night of January 27, Hu Jia, a famous Beijing
human rights activist, returned home under escort.
He had been summoned by the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) police, and is now under continuous house arrest.

Hu Jia told NTD that the police clearly expressed
that his case is under preliminary investigation.

The police may detain him after Chinese New Year.

Hu Jia firmly holds that his behaviour is
upright, and in line with universal values.
He explains that he has nothing
to fear and he won’t flinch at this.

Xu Zhiyong, a Chinese human rights
lawyer was sentenced on January 26.
On that day, Hu Jia was taken away from his home
in Beijing by police, under allegations of “provocation”.
Hu Jia commented on Twitter that
he was prepared to be detained.
He asked followers to please notify his lawyer if
there was no further news from him in 24 hours.

After 24 hours since he was taken
by police, Hu Jia returned home.

He is not free, and is now under house arrest.

Hu Jia told NTD that it’s very possible that he will
be summoned again by the state security police.
The next step might be detention,
or even be sentenced to prison.

Hu Jia: “The CCP authorities are very clear that
Xu Zhiyong was barely involved in street activities.
However, Xu was still sentenced to four years imprisonment.
Then, let’s see how long the regime will sentence me for.
Will it be double or triple? I was sentenced with
the crime of ‘inciting subversion of state power’.
If I am sentenced again with that
crime, it will be the second time.
This will be more than 11 years in prison.
After that, I will continue to do what I should do.”

Hu Jia said that there were six Beijing internet security
police officers, who had with them a pile of documents.

They carried out a 24 hour interrogation on him.

The documents included words that he had
said online, his tweets and his photos with
his friends in activities during the past year.

Hu Jia: “They focused on words I had previously told
Mr. Lobsang Sangay, who is political leader in Tibet:
‘Don’t believe the CCP’s regional ethnic autonomy
under the so-called constitutional framework’.”

They also raised the “Back to Tiananmen Square”
action that I organized, as well as the “Global Siege”
(Global Wei Cheng), a relay hunger strike that will
commemorate the 25th anniversary of June 4.

The Wei Cheng has been initiated by oversea groups.

I have nothing to hide. These are the things I’m doing, and
that I’m in charge of. They are in line with universal values.
These are my fundamental rights to freedom
of speech and to freedom of expression.”

Mo Shaoping, Hu Jia’s lawyer: “From the
view of a defense attorney, he was just
supporting Xu Zhiyong and Wang Gongquan.
Xu and Wang were arrested after they had
asked the officials to declare their properties,
and asked for the equal rights to education.

No matter which way he used, it’s a
peaceful expression, which isn’t a crime.”

From January 17, the anniversary of the death
of Zhao Ziyang, Hu Jia had been under house arrest.
The police used the allegation of
“provocation” to summon Hu Jia.
Zeng Jinyan, Hu Jia’s wife, questioned how he could
“provocate” when he was accompanied by police.

Hu Jia: “I was sitting in an iron chair during the
interrogation. It’s the chair used for criminals.
The first interrogation was from
5pm yesterday to 1am today.

The second interrogation lasted several hours this afternoon.

Their attitude was relatively calm, not
like the one on March 14 last year.

That time, the police beat me and injured my head.”

During the CCP’s Two Sessions last year, Hu Jia was
summoned for the same reason while under house arrest.

During the interrogation, the police from Tongzhou
Office, of Beijing Tongzhou District Police Bureau,
violently assaulted him, causing his head to bleed.

Hu Jia said the police’s first summon is an
investigation, and it’s a warning this time.
The state security police warned that all his actions
and words are closely monitored by the authorities.
All these documents can be evidence
that can be used to arrest him.

Mo Shaoping: “China’s legislature has flaws.

This includes the so-called ‘investigative’ techniques
used by the police to monitor Chinese citizens.

There’s no restriction for them.

US police must apply for a permit from a judge before
they can search a citizen’s home, or monitor a citizen.
Chinese police approves itself to do these
actions, which is a flaw of China’s legislature.”

Hu Jia is now 41 years old.

He has been firmly committed to a number of social
movements, including environmental protection, the AIDS
campaign, and fighting for democracy and human rights.

In 2008, Hu Jia was illegally sentenced
to three and a half years in prison.

This was on the crime of “inciting subversion of state power”.

In October 2008, the European Parliament
awarded Hu Jia with the Sakharov Prize.

This is one of the highest honors in the human
rights field, and this was awarded while Hu Jia
was in prison, to recognize his contribution.

Interview/TianJin Edit/ChangChun Post-Production/SunJun
