【禁聞】「國保」抗議伊力哈木失蹤 提辭職












採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/孫寧

Chinese Regime Arrests Uyghur Scholar: Police Officer Resigns in Protest

Professor Ilham Tohti, from Minzu University
in Beijing, was detained by police a week ago.
The whereabouts of Professor Tohti’s, who is
a Uyhgur muslim, still has not been confirmed.
On January 17, many overseas scholars launched an
online petition urging the Chinese regime to release him.
Officials from both the EU, and US State Department, called
on the Chinese regime to explain the reason of his arrest.
They asked for the whereabouts of Professor Tohti.
One police officer from Xinjiang Domestic
Security Division resigned, in order protest to
Ilham Tohti’s arrest, saying the regime planned it.

Iham Tohti served as a Professor
in Minzu University in Beijing.
He was taken away from his home by police, without
explanation or legal documents presented to his family.
Radio Free Asia reported that on January 18, Iham Tohti’s
wife said that she contacted Beijing Police Station.
She asked where her husband was being kept.

A police officer replied that she needed to just
wait, and they will inform her after confirmation.

Li Fangping, Iham Tohti’s lawyer: “We
still don’t have any news developing.
We haven’t received any legal documents.
Nor do we know who detained him, where he is being
held, or what crime he is alleged to have committed.
His family is waiting to see if there
are any documents sent to them."

On January 18, a Uyghur police officer from the Xinjiang
Domestic Security Division issued an open letter.
In the letter, he resigned from his job,
stating that the Tohti incident is a conspiracy
plotted by high ranking officials in Xinjiang.
They are undergoing an investigation from Central Disciplinary.
They intended to shirk their responsibility related
to problems in Xinjiang, and to pass the buck onto
a Uyghur professor, in order to close their cases.

The police officer said, “this is a historical wrong case.
I will not participate, take any responsibility
for, nor will I proceed with this task."

Hu Jia, a friend of Tohti says that since Tohti was arrested,
his family were placed under house arrest and surveillance.

Hu Jia: “Those people are watching outside Tohti’s
home. I have been there, and there were five of them.
They claimed they are security guards
from the university and district committee.
Two plainclothes people sat in a
black car with the engine running.
Later, Tohti’s wife told me that they
have increased manpower to eight."

On January 17, Wang Lixiong, Bei Feng and
others initiated a campaign to release Tohti.
Nearly one thousand people had
signed the petition by January 20.
In addition, The Ambassador of the EU Consulate
in China and a US State Spokesperson, called on
the Chinese regime to guarantee Tohti’s protection.
They also asked to know his whereabouts.

Hu Jia: “The regime didn’t expect
so many people to support Tohti.
Tohti makes a lot of effort to speak out for his nation.
People can see his moral efforts,
and the death threats he received.
Tohti is the image of a Uyghur.
To be concerned about him, and to support him,
is equivalent to being concerned for the Uyghur
nation, and to sympathize with their situation."

The regime didn’t respond to calls from home or abroad.

However, state-controlled Global Times
published a report on January 18.
It stated that Tohti had close links with the
World Uyghur Congress, and overseas media.
The report said that Tohti often publishes seditious
remarks on his website, spreading them in the classroom.

It stated that he implicitly encourages people
to solve the problem with violence, and had
“openly spoken of taking separatist action".

The report claimed “not to leave the opportunity
for separatist forces to ‘preach’ in the university".

Hu Jia: “Tohti has always been a pacifist.
He longs for mutual understanding
between the Uyghur and Han people.
He does not want discontentment or bloody violence.
He is almost the only bridge to develop
understanding and harmony, via Han language,
between the Han and the Uyghur people.
Now the bridge is demolished, and
the CCP has ruined its opportunity!
It is fueling the fire, and creating a new hate!"

Many netizens believe that the Global Times
report was used to slander Tohti, and used as
accusation to support the regime in his arrest.

Interview & Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-Production/SunNing
