【禁聞】中共黨校成出「淫才」 副校長淫照網絡瘋傳





















採訪/陳漢 編輯/田淨 後製/鍾元

The CCP College Becomes the Cradle of Salacious Officials

Recently, a group of indecent sex photos of Deputy Principal

of Sha’anxi Province Chinese Communist Party (CCP) College

Qin Guogang with a female student of the college were exposed

on the internet, which attracted the attention of netizens.

It is believed that Qin Guogang tricked the female student.

He and his wife together beat the student at his office in the

CCP College, which caused a blood vessel on her head to burst.

Now the injured student has reported it to the police

and Qin Guogang is suspended for investigation.

An analyst points out the CCP College has become

the cradle of training officials involved in sex scandal.

In the afternoon of Jan 15th, Shaanxi Province CCP College

issued a brief report saying that Deputy Principal

Qin Guogang is suspended and being investigated.

The result is awaited.

Jan 13, a netizen “Chivalrous Expert Hits Tiger" with

his Weibo verified as “A Student of Shaanxi CCP College",

posted a message “Risking death for exposing

the crime of Deputy Principal of

Sha’anxi Province CCP College Qin Guogang."

The informer also uploaded many screenshots of a sex video

of Qin Guogang with a female student.

Once the message was published, then it was widely

reposted causing a dramatic response.

Afterwards, the informer sent out an “ultimatum",

requiring Qin Guogang to voluntarily surrender himself

to Sha’anxi Province Commission for Discipline Inspection

and explain the posted sex video before 6pm Jan 15.

In addition, the informer required Qin Guogang and

his wife Yang Ying, Chief of Senior Cadre Department

of Shaanxi Daily, show repentance

for beating a female student and demanded compensation.

Otherwise, relevant videos and other evidence

will be further published.

Jan 14, a Shaanxi lawyer Qu Jianguo says on his Weibo,

he has accepted the commission of the injured female student,

and has been authorized to undertake all legal affairs

in the case of the female student’s personal injury done

by Qin Guogang, and publish all pertinent

legal statements and evidence.

Qu Jianguo: “He (Qin Guogang) committed a public injury on her.

She (the student) claimed justice

and that the law decide on the penal liability of the beater."

Qu Jianguo discloses, the litigant party is

a part-time graduate student of Shaanxi Province CCP College,

and a single mother.

At first she prepared to marry Qin Guogang, when she started

to develop loving affection for Qin Guogang in August of 2012.

The relationship lasted to the end of December of 2013.

During this period, she had no idea

that Qin Guogang has a wife.

Qu Jianguo, who watched the sex video, says

that the video was made on August 13, 2013.

That day is the Double Seventh Festival of the

Chinese lunar calendar.

In order to commemorate the affection between them,

the video was made, and agreed by both of them.

The video was done at the female’s home

lasting around one hour.

NTD Journalist: “Is this the CCP College?

Is Deputy Principal Qing in his office today?"

The on-duty room of Sha’anxi Province CCP College:

“Yes, this is the CCP College. I don’t see him. I don’t know."

Qu Jianguo also said ,

currently he could not reach Qin Guogang.

Qu Jianguo: “At present, his two mobile phones are off.

None of his previous phones are connected."

It is believed that the litigant party has submitted

the relevant video information to

the Province’s CCP Commission for Discipline Inspection,

and the police station will carry out forensic examination.

Overseas independent political commentator Xia Xiaoqiang

says, a scandal such as this, even if it is an individual case,

actually demonstrates the reality of the corruption and

licentious status of CCP official circles.

Xia Xiaoqiang: “China’s salacious officials regard

supporting ‘second wife’ and mistress’ as a sign of prestige.

The public ethics of CCP officialdom seriously degrades

and a culture of ‘pride for having mistress, humility for no

mistress’ has been developed.

The CCP College, which reflects the image of the CCP

and trains the CCP’s officials, has degenerated into

a cradle for producing salacious officials."

From Lei Zhengfu, the former CCP Head of

Beibei District of Chongqing City,

to Yi Junqing, the former Director of the CCP

Central Translation and Compilation,

and also Li Dongsheng, who was just arrested and

the head of “610″ Office of the CCP Central Committee,

all of their exposure and downfall

has involved salacious issues.

Furthermore, all of them are

model students of the CCP College.

Last December, Japan-based Industrial and Economic Newspaper

reported, “the CCP Colleges are the origin of the corruption",

quoting an informed Chinese journalist saying

“this is fundamentally a place for Chinese officials to drink

and teach the skills of how to carry out corruption,

in the name of further study."

Xia Xiaoqiang: “The Chinese proverb says,

Lewdness is the worst of all sins.

The complete degeneration of sex is a sign of

a nation heading for destruction.

Under the CCP regime, normal values and judgment

have been thoroughly overturned.

Traditional family values are all profaned.

Hence the sex and pornographic business is popular.

Poverty is humility but prostitution is not.

Salacious thoughts and behavior including sexual liberation

and freedom have penetrated into every class of society."

Xia Xiaoqiang emphasizes, the prevalence of pornography,

gambling, and drug taking in China is a true demonstration

of the disruption of social morality under the CCP regime.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/TianJing Post-Production/ZhongYuan
