【禁聞】郭聲琨喊話 效忠習近平 清江派餘毒?















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/陳建銘

More Effort to Cleanse the Jiang and Zhou Faction?

The Ministry of Public Security website recently published
a speech by Guo Shengkun, secretary of Public Security.
He asked senior officials of Public Security to be absolutely
loyal to General Party Secretary Xi Jinping.
Observers believe Gou’s speech was intended to clear Jiang’s
faction and the followers of Zhou Yongkang.

On August 14, Guo Shengkun talked to all new military
advisors and staff, stressing the need to strengthen political convictions and political acumen.
He asked for absolute obedience and maintained consistency
with Xi Jinping on major principles and political orientation
issues, to ensure a smooth flow of government decrees
and police orders.
Guo Shengkun’s speech emphasized political loyalty,
triggering many public interpretations.

Hua Po, Beijing political observer:
“It asks for absolute loyalty to Xi Jinping.
One needs to beware all kinds of voices from
inside and outside of the party.
Bo’s trial is near, and his supporters are going
to stir up trouble.
Guo’s speech asked Bo’s supporters to listen
to Xi Jinping.”

Zhao Yuanming, senior Chinese legal expert, believes that
Guo Shengkun’s intention was to clear pernicious influence
from Zhou and Jiang faction within the public security system.

Zhao Yuanming: “Zhou Yongkang, Secretary of Politics and
Law Committee, implemented Jiang’s policies for 10 years.
Just look at it, corruption governs public security,
and corruption governs the military.
So, many major cases came out of public security,
such as the Zheng Shaodong and Wang Lijun incidents.

Zhao Yuanming points out that in the public security
department, which is under the Politics and Law Committee,
not only corruption was rampant, but also abuse of power
is quite serious.
In February 2012, there was the “Wang/Bo incident,"
tens of thousands of injustice cases from Chongqing,
followed by the blind human rights activist
Chen Guangcheng’s house arrest,
the unusual death of pro-democracy activist Li Wangyang,
and the exposure of torture in Masanjia labor camp in April, 2013.
All these scenarios point to the unlimited power
of the Politics and Law Committee.

In addition, the political and law system also created
millions of petitioners, and millions of farmers became victims of land acquisition.
And now uprising events are all over China.

Zhao Yuanming: “Zhou Yongkang has been removed,
but his influence remains.
Many incidents of corruption and law violation
are still taking place in the public security sector.”

Recently, overseas media reported that the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) continues to suppress Chinese people.
For example, human rights lawyer Cheng Hai was beaten
by the police and Guo Feixiong, Yang Lin and many other activists were arrested.
Multiple sources alleged that the CCP was forced to initiate
an investigation into Zhou Yongkang, due to huge public anger and pressure.
Some analysts believe that Zhou, coupled with
the Bo element, prompted the CCP to rectify and reform the political and law system.

Hua Po: “To rectify the system is to cleanse the followers
of Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai.
Regarding the institutional reform,
I think this is the most important.
That is the foundation of the Chinese regime, which will not
allow its effort to go waste, nor its power to shrink.”
Hua Po stressed that the politics and law system is the CCP’s
most powerful stability maintenance tool.
Therefore, the CCP will not give up its control of it.

Even if the CCP carries out rectification and reform,
it is only limited to setting up some rules for
the public security and prosecutors, so they can
behave somewhat within the guidelines.
