















Kidney Transplant Recipient Reveals Organ Source From
Falun Gong Practitioner

As international media reveal more and more about crimes
of the Chinese Communist Party taking organs from living
Falun Gong practitioners, some mainland witnesses
have also started to reveal the truth.

International media Minghui.org reported on July 27 that

a transplant recipient in Beijing recently disclosed that
the kidney he received came from a 23 year old Falun Gong practitioner.

The recipient in his 40’s stayed in
Peking University Third Hospital.
There were a few dozens of patients waiting for transplants.

After waiting for about a week, he and another patient both
in need of a kidney were transferred to a hospital in Rizhao
City of Shandong Province to have surgeries.

The hospital told them that the kidneys were
from executed prisoners.
But they both learned later that the kidneys
were from Falun Gong practitioners.

The recipient says there were dozens of patients having
different transplants at the same time in same hospital.
The patients were forced to leave the hospital
a few days after the surgery,
before their bodies recovered because another
group of patients came for the next lot of surgeries.
That hospital was doing transplant surgeries to one group
after another group of patients at that time.

Armored Vehicles And Helicopters Dispatched In
“Repression Drill”, Guangxi Province

Nanning City authority of Guangxi Province conducted a
“repression drill” on the street on July 27.
Thousands of armed police, special police, riot police,
patrol, police, and fire fighters had a battle against more than 1000 “thugs” holding sticks.

According to oversea media Molihua.org, Guangxi authority
not only dispatched all kinds of police cars, fire trucks, and
riot vehicles, but also armored vehicles and helicopters.

The report says since many group incidents happened
often recently and the economy is declining,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) believes that
maintaining stability is a grim task,
so there is an urgent need for training to suppress riots.
But the Nanning authority claimed that it was a flood exercise.

Over 1000 People Sign Petitions, Appealing For
Release of Xu Zhiyong

Initiator of “New Citizen Movement” Xu Zhiyong, also a Beijing
law scholar, was put in detention in Beijing on July 16.
People inside and outside China responded to the joint letter
organized by Chinese citizens who were appealing to release Xu.
Over 1207 people signed by July 27.

Liberal economist Mao Yushi, entrepreneur Wang Gongquan,
writer Xiao Shu, and two others initiated the joint letter.
The letter strongly protests at the detention and
arrest of Xu and others.
It also calls for immediate release of those people who are
trying to improve civic society in a gentle, rational, legal way.

According to statistics, the CCP has detained and arrested at
least 15 participants of the New Citizen Movement so far.
