【禁聞】曾成傑葬禮 國保攔截集資群眾參加















採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/鍾元

State Security Prevented the Entire Finance Sector from Participating in Zeng Chengjie’s Funeral

The memorial of the Hunan Realtor who was executed
via the death penalty by the authorities,
was held in his hometown, Shaoyang City, on July 17.

Two days after, Zeng’s children and folks went
for his funeral, lines up a mile long.
The local financing people in Jishou City where
Zeng Chengjie’s fund-raising case occurred,
also hoped to attend the funeral,
but were intercepted by State Security.

The funeral of Hunan real estate developer, Zeng,
was held on the 18th.
A few days before this, some people who donated
towards the fundraising,
called Zeng’s attorney, Wang Shaoguang,
and asked to participate in the funeral.

Wang Shaoguang (Zeng’s attorney): “I told them that
they suffered for their financial loss.
We are really sorry, you don’t have to come.

But they still insisted, they want to see him for the last time.
He is a good man.”

The day before the funeral, a person involved in financing,
Wang Shaoguang, said his home was surrounded by police who did not let him out.
The same evening, the Beijing Lawyers Association called
Wang Shaoguang to say that there were hundreds
of financing people going over to participate
in Zeng’s funeral.

Wang Shaoguang: “The next morning, those financing masses
texted or called, stating that they were blocked and couldn’t get there.
Some of them who broke through the siege of the police,
came to the funeral.
Another group of people were blocked when they took buses."

The financing masses told Wang Shaoguang that the State
Security not only detained them, but also confiscated
their materials of thousands in the financial sector,
including the authority in combating Zeng, which caused
financial suffering to both Zeng and the financing masses,
and the government enterprises benefits from this.”

The court alleged Zeng Chengjie committed financial fraud,
and this has angered the people.
Eventually, the masses in the financial sector say
Zeng is a good man.

Wang Shaoguang explained that originally, the local
government strongly encouraged financing by fundraising.
The projects that Zeng built were key projects
of the government.
All were profitable, such as the Shaoyang Hotel,
which had more than ninety million invested into it.
Shaoyang City offered many preferential policies,
the value at the time was 0.3 billion Yuan.
So the financial masses believed that if there was no
government intervention, Zeng’s real estate wouldn’t sell so inexpensively,
and they wouldn’t be affected by loss of principal,
and they would profit from interest.

Wang Shaoguang: “Such a large commercial area,
How could it lose money?
Zeng built commercial shops, the first project he built
was 80,000 square meters, of which about 70% were commercial shops.
On the second project, he built hundreds of thousands
of square meters, and 60,000 to 70,000 square meters
were commercial stores.
What was the price for a commercial shop?
As high as RMB 68,000."

It is said that after the new leadership took office
in Jishou City, they ordered the withdrawal of public
financing in advance, which lead to local finance
enterprise funds strand breaks.
At this time, Zeng’s company and the financing masses
reached a “risk mitigation agreement."
the two sides agreed to reduce the finance interest to 3%.
However, Jishou City forced them to stop from self-help.

Wang Shaoguang: “The government forced them to stop
this agreement, and seized Zeng’s company.
After preemption, Zeng’s company was sold
to a government wholly-owned company, and
then they resold Zeng’s assets to Caixin Company.

All above was done by Hunan the provincial government,
while the head of Hunan government was Zhou Qiang.
Zhou Qiang now is the head of the Supreme Court of China."

There are comments that Zeng was used as a scapegoat
by Hunan officials and he was already in the battle among politicians, so he had to die.

Wang Shaoguang: “If Zeng was not sentenced to death?
The government took all Zeng’s asset away.
Zeng and the financing masses would have combined
into one to recover the assets.
This is why the government court handed down
the death penalty to Zeng Chengjie!”

Wang Shaoguang revealed that recently a team of lawyers
organized to spread the word about Zeng’s case to all
communities to let everyone know that the Chinese
Communist Party’s Supreme Court victimizes the innocent.
