【禁聞】喀什武警大搜查 多人被捕


【新唐人2013年07月04日訊】 喀什武警大搜查 多人被捕














Kashi Armed Police Search and Arrest People

As the fourth anniversary of the Xinjiang 7.5

incident draws closer, the Chinese Communist

Party (CCP) is focusing on maintaining stability.

According to the overseas Uighur organization,

in the past two days, armed police in Kashi

launched a massive search operation.

Many people have been arrested.

“Radio Free Asia" reported comments

from Dilixiati, spokesman of “World Uyghur

Congress," which is headquartered in Germany.

On July 3, the Kashi armed police staged an intensive

search on Monday night until early Tuesday morning.

Many local people were forcibly taken into police

vehicles, and their whereabouts are now unknown.

Massive Arrests of Netizens in Xinjiang

Since recent bloodshed incidents in Hotan, Xinjiang,

netizens have been placed under monitoring.

According to local sources, the Chinese Communist

Party (CCP) is now arresting a large number of netizens.

This is for disseminating information online.

According to “Radio Free Asia", Mr. Zhang from

Urumqi said that after the bloodshed in Xinjiang,

more than 20 people have been detained.

This is the first time that he has seen

such large-scale arrests of netizens.

Zhang said that in the last two days, only

messages from the “Fifty Cent” Party are online.

Online media has been controlled.

Mr. Zhang published critical remarks online,

but these were quickly being deleted.

He also revealed that another netizen said online that

“armed vehicles repressed Uighurs," and was arrested.

On the afternoon of July 3, Zhang learned that two

more people were detained for spreading news online.

Activist Zhang Lin and Daughter Forced to Return to Bengbu

On July 1, after more than 20 days of freedom,

Zhang Anne fell into the hands of police in Beijing.

Zhang Anne, the youngest “prisoner of conscience"

from Anhui, and her father, activist Zhang Lin,

managed to flee from police surveillance.

Now, they have been forced to go back to Bengbu.

Since February 27, Zhang Anne was escorted away from

school, and has not had schooling for over four months.

On June 11, father and daughter fled their home.

First, they went to Nanjing, Fujian

and other places, and then to Beijing.

Zhang Lin said that he could not

stand being so closely monitored.

What a happy life it is to walk

freely like ordinary people.

He does not want Anne to be deprived of her freedom.

He decided to send Anne abroad to study,

and at present, the procedure is underway.
