








報導說,中宣部定期向大陸媒體就敏感話題下達指令,要求避免使用某些字眼和規定報導的範圍等, 但是,對財經媒體下指令的做法很罕見。








南通商戶遭刀砍 警不作為引民憤


報案後,派出所不抓人,不處置, 激起民憤,數百商家罷市,民眾到公安局強烈要求嚴懲兇手。晚上8點,當地派出所被迫立案。 2號凌晨2點,兇嫌被抓捕歸案。



US Media: China’s Central Bank Acts on Cash Crunch

Public opinion is currently focusing on the possibility
that China’s banks instigated cash shortages.
Overseas economists believe that the Chinese
economy is beginning to collapse now.
However, mainland media claim
that it is a “controllable crisis”.

On July 2, the Chinese edition of the Wall Street Journal
reported on internal documents of China’s Central Bank.
They contained data from internal meetings, indicating the
People’s Bank didn’t provide any solution for cash shortages.
The main reason is that the People’s Bank likely had no
way to deal with what it saw as out-of-control credit growth.

According to internal sources, Vice Premier Ma Kai has
ordered an investigation into market rumors of insolvency.
It showed that leaders are looking for clues
about the sources of the market turmoils.
What action might result from this is unclear.

UK Media: Chinese Central Propaganda Department Orders End to Cash Shortage Speculations

Mainland officials have revealed that the
Chinese Communist Party Central Propaganda
Department (CPD) had sent an order to media.
They are to stop using the words “cash
shortage” or “lack liquidity” in their reports.

The Financial Times (FT) reported
that the CPD issued orders last week.
This was transmitted over the past few days to
newspapers, TV stations and local propaganda offices.
It instructed journalists to stop
“hyping up the so called cash crunch”.
Instead, they need to spread information that
China’s markets are well stocked with money.

FT revealed an internal document that the CPD ordered
that media must positively guide public opinion.
It must help bolster market confidence.

The FT said that the CPD regularly sends guidelines
to media about sensitive political subjects, and tells
which words to avoid, and how to frame their reporting.
But it is rare for such instructions
to be sent to financial media.

FT said that last week’s directive is an indication
of concerns in Beijing about dislocation and
growing panic in the country’s markets following
onset of a cash crunch.

Lawyer Says Du Bin is Denied Bail Out

Du Bin worked as freelance photographer
for The New York Times in the past.
Du is an independent film
producer in Mainland China.
He was detained by Beijing police
on suspicion of provocation.
Recently, Du met with his attorney.

Voice of America reported that Du’s attorney Pu Zhiqiang
has submitted an application for Dubin’s bailout.
This was rejected by the police.

Pu said that recently, it is unlikely
Du was involved in any troubles.
It’s absurd that the police detained
him for the crime of provocation.

In addition, some petitioners who were tortured
in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp specifically
traveled to Beijing from Northeast China.
They went to protest outside
Beijing Fengtai detention center.
They asked the authorities to immediately release Du Bin.

In prison, Du said to his attorney that
the police trialed him several times.
The questions the police asked had
nothing to do with crime of provocation.
The police are most concerned about the
work which he has published abroad.
For example: his work, ‘Tiananmen
Square Massacre in June 4, 1989′.
Also, the documentary “Women Above The Ghosts’ Heads"
which reveals brutal torture in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

Police Ignore Nantong Retailer Knife Attack

In the afternoon of July 1, a violent attack linked
to forced eviction occurred in a market in Nantong.
Retailer Wang Shiping was slashed across his
chest in front of his shop, and he almost died.

After people called the police, the police didn’t
take any action, nor did they arrest the criminal.
This triggered several hundreds of shops to go on strike.

People went to the police bureau, and
strongly asked for the criminal to be punished.
At 8pm, the local police station was forced to file the
incident, and at 2am on July 2, the criminal was arrested.

Wang is currently receiving treatment in hospital.
