【禁聞】中組部中紀委捲入劉志軍案 涉高層






時事評論員林子旭:「中共這個體制就是滋生腐敗的溫床,從中共高層開始就已經爛透了,然後從中央一直爛到地方,說中國現在就是被控制在一群腐敗官 員手裡,一點兒不為過,腐敗官員提拔人的時候,當然也要選擇一些腐敗分子,看看劉志軍賣官的這些作為,一切就一目瞭然了。」









採訪編輯/常春 後製/王明宇

Central CCP Government Organs Implicated in Liu Zhijun Bribery Case

The case of China’s former Railways Minister,
Liu Zhijun, has recently taken a new development.
Media in Guangdong revealed that in Liu’s previous trial,
there was disagreement over who Liu gave money to.
It was reported that some of the money went to the
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI).
The rest went to the Central Organization Department (COD).

On June 9, the trial of Liu Zhijun was held in Beijing.

Liu was charged with accepting bribes
from 11 people, totaling 64 Million Yuan.
Liu was also charged with abuse of power, when
he helped Shanxi businesswoman Ding Shumiao,
and her relatives, obtain 3.9 billion Yuan in profits.

Liu’s lawyer Qian Lieyang told 21st Century Business Herald
that Liu didn’t accept 49 million Yuan in bribes from Ding.

Qian claimed that, Liu ordered Ding to remove 44 million
Yuan from 49 million Yuan that was being sent to the CCDI.
This was to help reduce the sentence of He Hongda, former
head of the Politics Department in the Railways Ministry.
Another 5 million Yuan was used to secure a promotion
for one of Liu’s allies to become Deputy Minister of Railways.
Liu’s lawyer argued that 49 million Yuan shouldn’t
be counted as Liu’s private assets, nor as bribes.
Mainland China’s Caijing Magazine revealed that in
1986, Liu Zhijun began to sell positions to his allies.
However, current affairs commentator Lin Zixu believes it
is likely the CCDI and COD are involved in Liu’s corruption.

Lin Zixu: “The Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) system is the main cause of corruption.
From the top ranking officials to low level officials, from
central governments to local governments, all are corrupt.
Actually, now China is under the control of corrupt officials.

When corrupt officials offer a promotion, it
will certainly be offered to a corrupt person.
This becomes clear from Liu Zhijun’s
behavior of selling positions of officials.”

According to media reports, from 1986 to 2011, Liu
served as a party secretary in Wuhan Railways Bureau.
He later served as Railways Minster, by
buying and selling positions of
officials, as well as embezzlement and bribery.
Liu Zhijun established an operating system where
his interests were connected in all channels.

Sources said that Liu Minlin, a vice director in the
Wuhan Railways Bureau, bribed Liu Zhijun 28 times.
Total bribery equated to over 1.76 million Yuan in cash.

Liu Zhijun promoted Liu Minlin 3 times, reaching
Director of the Wuhan Railway Tobacco Bureau.
In addition, He Hongda, the former head of the Politics
Department in the Railways Ministry, bribed Liu Zhijun
with 100,000 Yuan, to obtain a promotion for himself.
In order to get his money back, He Hongda sold the
position to several cadres in the Harbin Railways Bureau.
He Hongda received 14.5 million Yuan in total.

Xia Ming, Professor of Political Science at the City University of New York(CUNY):
“At present, the Liu Zhijun case is obviously covered up.
Because Liu Zhijun was involved in selling and buying
official positions, it therefore relates to large amounts
of money, and makes large numbers of officials complicit.

As a political broker, Liu used this
money to help himself, his allies.
He is involved in very large scale
corruption, and abuse of power.”

The majority of media were refused
coverage of Liu Zhijun’s trial.
Thus, many details of the trial remain unknown to the public.

To whom did Liu Zhijun send 49 million
Yuan in the CCDI and COD?
What will be the impact on Liu’s final sentence if these two
organs in the CCP system are brought into the allegations?

Xia Ming: “The COD is one of the most
important organs, as it controls staffing.
If there was an investigation into the COD that went too
deep, it would delve into the heart of the CCP system.
I think that now the CCP obviously is
intending to separate itself from this case.
Thus, it shifts the crisis over to a specific
organ, and in this case, the Railways Ministry.”

Lin Zixu analyzed that if media highlighted the CCDI and
COD, there must be a CCP power struggle taking place.

Lin Zixu: “We know that Wang Qishan is now in charge
of the CCDI, and Li Yuanchao has just left the COD.
Both are Xi Jinping’s allies.

If these two organs were investigated, it is
likely someone is attempting to muddy the
waters, to reduce Liu Zhijun’s sentence.”

Lin Zixu points out that the CCP
has run into a dead end row.
Levels of corruption amongst officials’ alone
could be enough to make the CCP collapse.
