













採訪/劉惠 編輯/李謙 後製/周天

WikiLeaks: Hu-Wen’s Anti-corruption Was Rejected by Politburo Standing Committee

In a cable released by WikiLeaks stated that 10 years ago,
Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, then new Chinese communist leaders,
attempted to push openness in both media and officials’ assets.
However, vested interest groups rejected the initiatives.
As both National People’s Congress and the National
Political Consultative Conference are approaching,
President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao
will retire soon.
People are skeptical about how far the new leaders
Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang will go with the collapsing communist regime.
The following is our report.

This Confidential released by WikiLeak was issued
by the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and addressed to the Secretary of State in Washington DC.
The content revealed a political scene discussion on Sept. 19,
2003 with director of Beijing University’s Institute of Political Development and Governance, Xie Qingkun.

It revealed that both Hu and Wen were “pushing for
greater openness in government and party operations
in order to promote closeness to the people and
as an antidote to corruption.”

Xie Qingkun reported that, “an initiative of the Hu-Wen
government to require financial disclosure statements from
high-level government officials and their families
was rejected by the Politburo Standing Committee,
with only Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao voting in support
of the measure.”
Xie Qingkun said, “Such a measure would particularly
threaten the children of high-level leaders.”

Zhao Yuanming, former law lecturer of Chinese People’s
Public Security University, told NTDTV that this initiative was surely resisted by the collapsing Communist regime.

Law lecturer Zhao Yuanming: “This information reflects
the complete collapse of the Chinese Communist leadership.
It requires a big commitment and strength to publicize official
property, and to realize a clean and honest government.”

Current affairs observer Hua Po believed that China is facing
an unprecedented crisis and on the eve of great change.
Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang, the successor of Hu-Wen government,

have to stress anti-corruption and raise the issue of property
declaration 10 years later to avoid the end of the party.

Current affairs observer Hua Po: “I would assume that Xi
and Li will use anti-corruption to clean and rearrange within the party and to establish their own support."

The Confidential also revealed that “Hu had taken
some small steps to make the media more “relevant" after assuming office.”
However, media control was tightened to avoid discussions
of political reform for the upcoming October Party Plenum
and the concern about criticism of Jiang Zemin
in newspapers.

Hua Po: “When Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao first came
to power, it was known as the “Little Spring” for they proposed people-oriented policy and less media control.
However, when the core interests of the Communist regime
are threatened, the situation worsens suddenly."

Zhao Yuanming pointed out that although Liu Yunshan
is no longer director of the Central Propaganda Department,
his Politburo Standing Committee position still entitles him
the power in propaganda.

Zhao Yuanming: “To ensure openness in media,
the organization has to go through a major change.
Xi and Li should not allow Liu Yunshan to continue
his influence in the propaganda and the media."

Zhao Yuanming stressed that the recent Southern Weekly
incident showed that newly appointed director of propaganda, Liu Qibao, still takes orders from Liu Yunshan.
As long as Liu Yunshan continues to control and influence
the Central Propaganda Department, it will be difficult to change the current situation.
