【禁聞】13萬港人「倒梁」 新華社罕見報導
















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/薛莉

Xinhua News Agency Unusually Reports on 130,000 Strong Hong Kong Protest

On 2013 New Year’s Day, 130,000 Hong Kong people
protested on the streets, asked the Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying to step down.
On the streets, there was also a small group of Hong Kong
people who support Leung.
The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) mouthpiece
Xinhua News Agency reported this protest and
mentioned twice that the aspiration of the parade is
“asking Leung Chun-ying to step down”.
Analysts thought there are two sets of information :
one is that the CCP may want to replace Leung Chun-ying,
another is it wants the media looks more objective
after Xi Jinping’s taking power.


At 6pm on January 1, 2013, Xinhua News Agency published
“Several Hong Kong Groups Initiated a New Year’s Day Parade to Express their Demands”.
In which, it said that tens of thousands of Hong Kong people
paraded on New Year’s Day to express their demands
in which half were against Leung, and half
were supporters of Leung.

Xinhua News Agency quoted the “Civil Human Rights Front"
and reported:"Protests asked the Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying to step down,
That the authority implements the policies that protect
retirement for everybody, freedom of speech and so on.”
“the parade was organized by people power to ask
Leung to step down.”

It’s very rare that Xinhua News Agency reports Hong Kong
protests especially if it’s against the government.
This time, it reported and mentioned twice that
the parade “asked Leung Chun-ying to step down”.

Zhang Chengjue, a Hong Kong freelance writer said that
it’s maybe that the CCP new leadership wants to create a new image and to loosen its limitation a little bit.

Zhang Chengjue: “I think this case is not negative for the
CCP because it is always saying one country two systems .
This means Hong Kong has protest freedom, media freedom.
It should allow people to express their opinions in street.
From a higher point view, this case isn’t bad for CCP,
but would show CCP is too timid, or too scared, or lacking confidence it it didn’t report it.”

Tsoi Wing-mui, editor of Hong Kong Open Magazine said that
130,000 Hong Kong people took to the streets, and asked Leung Chun-ying to step down.
According to the former saying that if there’re more than
100,000 Hong Kong people protest on the street, CCP will rectify Hong Kong regime.
Now Xinhua reported it, Tsoi Wing-mui said all the groups of
Hong Kong are trying to understand the reason.

Tsoi Wing-mui: “There’s one meaning which can be
explained in asking whether Beijing has lost confidence in Leung Chun-ying?or whether the CCP wants to change him?
whether the reporting of anti-Leung feeling is
to allow him to step down?
Another explanation is that after Xi Jinping took office,
he wants to change the political style according to his own ideas ?
If this is the case, then the media
must report more objectively?”

In this parade, some groups protested in front of the
CCP Liaison Office, some even carried the colonial era flag.
But Xinhua didn’t mention this in either Chinese or
English reports, and neither was this information forwarded to related reports in other media.

Furthermore, Xinhua reported that there were at least
60,000 people supporting Leung in the parade,
but Hong Kong police said there were at most 8,000 people
supporting Leung, which is a smaller figure than for the anti- Leung group.

Tsoi Wing-mui pointed out there’re up to 130,000 people
joined the parade, but less than 2,000 of them support Leung.
The supporting teams are pro-CCP groups and some
students who were forced by pro-CCP schools.
There’re some employees of Chinese companies said that
they would lose their jobs if they didn’t go.
Tsoi Wing-mui pointed out there were up to 130,000 people
joining the parade, but less than 2,000 of them supported Leung.
The supporting teams were all pro-CCP groups and
some students who were forced by pro-CCP schools.
Some employees of Chinese companies said that
they would lose their jobs if they didn’t go.
Mean while, it is reported that the Hong Kong regime
hired people to support Leung in the parade.

Tsoi Wing-mui: “Inside the parade, as the media reported,
the TV reporters found that there were many people who received money after the parade.
They are even gang members .
Those young people were invited.
They made a handprint before the parade, and received
money at the end of the parade which was HK$250 each person.”

At the end of December 2012, netizens unveiled in facebook
that the Hong Kong “Love HK Force” organized and
hired people to support Leung Chun-ying and
paid them HK$200.

On the morning of January 1, the “Sound of Love HK”
which was founded by Hong Kong Celebration Committee
said that they were supporting Leung Chun-ying.
They would organize the “New Year New Hope Parade”.

Some media reporters paraded inside this team and found
that the Hong Kong regime had spent money to support Leung.

After the parade, the CCP authority promised that
Hong Kong people will have the right to vote directly for the Chief Executive in 2017.

They will also have the right to vote directly
for the Hong Kong Legislative Council in 2020.
But Hong Kong democrats doubted
this commitment as just empty words.
