【禁聞】官媒否認社保繳費全球最高 遭炮轟










獨立學者 鞏勝利:「據我所知,城鎮人口也好、還有包括一些大學也好,還有中國老百姓看病也好,缺醫少藥、這種看病的難,好像全世界也是絕無僅有的,而且還有,這種現象幾乎沒有辦法解決的。」


鞏勝利:「(中共)政府是一言堂,腐敗盛行。37一個官員也好,一個國有企業的領導也好,一拿起來幾千萬、上億元。 像湛江原來那個陳同慶市委書記,他一貪就造成本地區300多黨政幹部一鍋端﹔後來這個茂名市委書記又是這樣,他的貪據說是十幾個億。」

採訪/田淨 編輯/宋風 後製/朱娣

China’s State-run Media denies highest social security
Insurance globally, bombarded.

A few days ago, rumors on the internet say China’s social
security insurance costs are the highest globally.
People’s Daily Reporter investigated and interviewed experts
on partial national social security expenses and how citizens enjoy social security benefits.
The results show China’s social security insurance
is not the highest globally.
Scholars point out it is meaningless to debate over social
security insurance rates because in reality,
the majority of Chinese people still cannot enjoy
social security benefits.

People’s Daily published an investigative report, denying
China having the highest social security fee,
and also interviewed Qinghua University professor
Bao Chongen who raised this argument.

However, Bai Chongen said that according to related
research statistics,
China’s five social insurance law fixed rates
are comparable to 40% of salary, this proportion surpasses that of most countries.

People’s Daily referenced sources from World Bank, OECD, the
International Labor Organization’s “World Social Security Report”
and the newest report from The United States
Social Security Administration.
Their reporter admitted that out of 173 countries or regions,
China’s social security cost is listed as number 13.

People’s Daily also claims China has already built the most
extensive social security network.
The basic retirement insurance system covers 700 million;
more than 70% of the target population have basic retirement insurance.
Both on social security coverage and protection
level, China has obtained unprecedented achievements.

However, the People』s Daily’s view was refuted.

After reading the report, Soho.com economic commentator
Zhou Kecheng arrived at a solid conclusion that China has the highest social security fee globally.
He believes People’s Daily is playing a very bad game because
it left out a very important social security system factor – the real estate provident fund.
Zhou Kecheng thinks it is really laughable that the government
collected the money but left it out of statistical rankings.

Zhou Kecheng points out,
unless social security policies change,
the view that China has the highest social security fee
globally will remain the same.

Economy.caixun.com points out that social security fee is a
false proposition
because it only came after the Social security system revolution,
after the two-track system of enterprise and institution pensions.
This not only increased the burden on enterprises, but the
extreme social injustice also became an explosion point for social conflicts.
If these are not solved, then the social
security system cannot move forward smoothly.

Independent scholar Gong Shengli also feels it is meaningless
to argue over social security fee, because actually most Chinese cannot enjoy the benefits of social security.

Gong Shengli: “According to what I know, from the
population in counties as well as some universities
as well as Chinese people are going to the doctors,
doctors and medicine are both lacking.
This difficulty in seeing the Doctor seems to be one of its
kind in the world, and is almost impossible to find a solution to this phenomenon.”

Gong Shengli believes, with the execution of social security
System, the flaws are gradually exposed.
Chinese people with no power still have a long way to go
before they can enjoy social security and medical insurance.

Gong Shengli: “China’s government is a dictator regime,
corruption is rampant.
Whether it’s a single official or a state-owned enterprise leader,
they can easily pick up tens of millions and hundreds of millions of RMB.
Like the former party secretary from Zhanjiang, his
corruption caused more than 300 party members trouble.
The Maoming City Party secretary did the same,
embezzling what may be thousands of millions.

Gong Shengli believes out of more than 200 countries
around the world,
there are very few dictators like the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) which monopolizes in politics, economics and cultural resources.
Now there are hundreds of group events initiated by the people,
so the path for China to become a constitutional country,
it is an urgent and necessary path,
and also what the new CCP leaders must face.
