【禁聞】俞正聲自暴文革家史 留後路?














採訪編輯/常春 後製/肖顏

Did Yu Zhengsheng expose his family history during Cultural Revolution to leave himself a way out?

It has recently been reported by China’s media that Princeling
Yu Zhengsheng, with a complicated background, exposed his family history while giving lectures.
He said that during the Cultural Revolution, his mother
developed a mental disorder, and his younger sister developed schizophrenia which led her to commit suicide.
According to some analysts, by exposing his family history,
Yu Zhengsheng leaves “a back door open"without feeling the need to touch on sensitive topics.
Please see our report below.

Recently, Chinese media Laorenbao reported that
Yu Zhengsheng, Party Chief in Shanghai, who had attempted
to justify Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, said last year
when giving lectures in Shanghai Jiaotong University,
before CCP’s 90th anniversary,"During the Cultural Revolution,
my mother was brought down in 1966 and put into jail in 1968.
My younger sister, a high school student at that time,
was criticized and denounced in public.
She developed schizophrenia later and committed suicide.
Six to seven of my relatives died during the Cultural Revolution."

Why is Yu’s speech being reported one year later?

It is reported that during the 10th Party Congress
in Shanghai in May this year,
Yu Zhengsheng was elected as the Shanghai Deputy
to the 18th national Congress with a high, but not a unanimous vote.
It aroused public attention.

Lan Shu, a current affairs commentator, said that
Yu Zhengsheng is not 100 percent sure about his joining
the Standing Committee of National People’s Congress (NPC)
in the 18th Congress.
However, this report shows his affinity, which might help.

Meanwhile, the topic he chose has been touched on
for decades and is no longer forbidden, but he won’t touch on the most sensitive topics.

Lan Shu, current affairs commentator:
“While the 18th Congress is approaching,
there is an unprecedented clamor for political reforms
among the public and democratic parties, as well as within the communist party.
If large-scale political reforms are carried out after
the 18th Congress, then Yu’s speech might pave the way for further action."

Xia Xiaoqiang, current affairs commentator, said that Yu’s
speech indicates his attitude against the Cultural Revolution.
Due to the CCP’s abnormal propaganda system, political signs
from the central government are usually released through this kind of news reporting.

Xia Xiaoqiang, current affairs commentator: “It is now
a critical moment for all factions within the party to struggle
for standing committee positions ahead of the 18th Congress
and CCP should finalize Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun’s cases.
At this moment, Yu Zhengsheng’s speech against
the Cultural Revolution is consistent with Wen Jiabao’s words of ‘eliminating Cultural Revolution residue.’
Yu’s speech is to again detach himself with Bo Xilai’s force
and indicates the possible heavy punishment to Bo Xilai."

It is known that Yu Zhengsheng belongs to the Princeling
faction and has close ties with Jiang’s faction.
Although Yu had been to Chongqing to support Bo Xilai,
his attitude changed drastically after Wang Lijun’s case.
During the Two Congresses this year, Yu Zhengsheng
denounced Bo Xilai and had a critical effect on bringing Bo down.

Mu Wenbin, Deputy Secretary General, China Democracy
Party:"It’s not something unexpected.
Bo Xilai was brought down, and Yu Zhengsheng follows
the central government.
It is the case for CCP that when someone is in power,
whatever he does is correct.
But if he is not, then nobody will speak for him."

The outside world believes that Yu Zhengsheng is a popular
candidate for the NPC Standing Committee in the 18th Congress.
However, Yu Zhengsheng is also reported to be involved
in major cases like the “public mistress incident,"
Shandong Luneng Case and the Beijing-Shanghai
high-speed railway corruption scandal.
He is also the initiator and longtime performer of forced

Wang Yuxin, senior media reporter, said that Yu was
recommended to the Standing Committee only based on his talks.
The person who recommended Yu, on the one hand,
may not know Yu’s words aren’t reliable.
On another hand, this person may be close to Jiang’s faction,
ignoring Yu’s persecution of Falun Gong,
following Bo’s “Singing Red Songs” Campaign, following
Zhou Yongkang and suppression of human rights activists.
Furthermore, he defended the Cultural Revolution, and was
involved in the Jiang faction’s corruption and other bad deeds.

According to some commentary, Yu Zhengsheng’s current
position has a lot to do with his low profile and artful nature.
